Page 115 of Forbidden Need

“How real is what he feels for you?” Even if they weren’t together, or were at odds, Conn wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her. “Stay on your truth kick. Don’t give the people you trust any reason to doubt you. And doubt those you don’t trust, though I think you’ve got that covered after kicking your dad out.”

After all they’d been through. The friendship… The trust…

She slid a hand over his. “I truly am sorry about yesterday. You were right and I was wrong. I need you with me.”

“I’m with you. I’m always with you. You aren’t used to that by now?”

Her head tilted. “Because you love me like a daughter or because my boyfriend would pull out your fingernails with plyers if you hurt me?”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t have to be one or the other.” And a groan, “You protect people; it’s no surprise.”

“Maybe I get that from your side of the family.”

“Wanna be a Stratford? That’s fine by me, but I’m not paying for the wedding.”

“He hasn’t asked.”

“Strikes me as the kind of guy who’ll tell, not ask.”

Bullseye. “I’m okay with that.”

“You’d marry him?”

“In a heartbeat.”

“Strat!” a call from the other side of the room got their attention. “Boss wants you upstairs.”

Which boss?

Strat stood up, straightening his pants. “Summoned to the warden’s office.” She jumped up next to him. “Think this is my parole hearing?”

She looped her arm through his. “Want me to speak on your behalf?”

Daly met them on their walk to the door. “Not you, Bluebell.”

“Not me? What did I do?”

“It’s business. Business the boss doesn’t want you near.”

“But it’s okay for Strat?”

Daly’s thinned lips tried to hide a smile. “He thinks of you different.”

“I fucking hope so,” Strat muttered.

“You get to hang with us.”

Strat kissed the top of her head. “I got your back, Scamp.”

Not to keep her guy waiting, Strat wandered on out with Ford and Jagg not too far behind. Three for the price of one.

She sighed and took Daly’s hand. “Give me the basement tour.”

“Not a chance,” he said. “But I’ll show you how to play GTA.”

“Wow,” she said, deadpan. “My life is complete. There better be alcohol down here.”

“Biggs!” Daly called and the bartender rose. “Lady wants a drink.”