“You didn’t know about her?” His head shakes at my question, his hand flying across the page and his writing is sloppy—angry.
What daughter? What are you talking about?
“Silla gave birth to a Veltross offspring over a century ago, zio. How did that happen?” The more I think about it, the angrier I become. Did he help her hide it? “How the hell could you not know this?”
I didn’t.
Goddess, I trusted and loved her, and she…
“Roberto, what do you remember of the time close to your brother’s death?” Tero snaps his head to the side; he’s listening to something beyond the door. “Did you spend any time apart?”
Footsteps draw near, then retreat, and then come back all within the span of a minute. The albino shifter holds back a laugh, and that’s a reaction I’ve seen him have multiple times around Anaya. He finds her quirks adorable, as does his wife, Isotta, Augusto’s wife, and a few others who work for me.
The kitchen staff is happy to indulge her desire to learn how to cook.
The women’s trainer is teaching her how to throw a proper punch in between jokes and laughs.
My uncle taps at the paper in front of me.
Two years before your father’s murder, Silla and I separated for a year. She accused me of cheating on her after a woman I’d never seen in my life claimed to be my lover.
I didn’t step out on her, Nephew. Never could disrespect our bond, but I always wondered about her sudden change of mind after no contact for so long.
One day she was just back. As if nothing happened.
Before I can ask him any more questions, though, Anaya enters. “It’s time to take a small break, Leonardo. You’ve been in here for four hours.” In her hands, there’s a tray of sandwiches, some chips, and a few sodas. Isotta’s behind her with cups of ice and empty plates. “You missed lunch.”
“Thank you, little queen.”
“You’re most welcome, my king.” While Isotta hands the men drinks and then food, my female prepares mine. It’s a beautiful feeling to be taken care of this way, to have your mate serve your meal, but nothing is sweeter than the small post-it note tacked on to the lip of my plate.
We have a date tonight, Leonardo.
I’m ready to pay for my list of sins.
Bites and kisses,
“Did you eat, sweetheart?” I take a bite of the submarine sandwich, pretending to groan at the flavor profile of fresh mozzarella, deli meats, and balsamic vinaigrette—not her naughty promise. My good girl is so responsible. I love your initiative, Aya.
“I did…” she starts but then trails off; I find her staring at the still-folded note Silla dropped. “W-where did you get that?”
“Get what, precious one?” Violet eyes snap to mine, and I don’t like what I see. Her trepidation. Fear. “What is it?”
“That’s the royal fae army’s stationary, Leonardo. I’d know that paper anywhere.” Who sent it? What does it say?
I haven’t read it yet.
She exhales roughly. Give it to me, please.
I do as she asks, handing it over while Tero and Roberto watch. We follow her every move, taking in the way she unfolds the note and then just as quickly spreads it face down atop my desk.
It’s a blank sheet on both sides, not so much as a single smudge on it, but that changes when my mate uses the condensation from my glass to wet the paper. Slowly, it uncovers a hidden message.
One word. Four letters.