
“We’re going home, sweetheart. We’re going to put an end to this.”



“Welcome home, Your Highnesses,” Augusto greets us when we step through the portal, his smile as wide as his mate’s and Isotta’s, who stands beside the two nearly vibrating with excitement. She’s happy to see me, but her reaction is all for the tiny fae in my arms who taps my shoulder, silently asking me to put her down.

I don’t, though. Instead, I kiss her cheek and pretend to not understand the gesture.

“Thank you, my friend.”

“Thank you. Happy to be home,” we answer in unison, the trio watching us as my mate pats me a little harder this time. Less inconspicuous. Tap. Tap. Tap. “Um, Leo…”

“Yes, precious one?” More like hitting now, her knuckles digging in a bit, and it takes everything in me not to laugh at her mild annoyance.

Am I doing this on purpose? Yes.

Am I ashamed of playing such childish games? Not one bit.

Especially when I get to hold on to her a little longer.

“Can you put me down please?”


“Because I’m going to bite you if you don’t, my king. And trust me, you won’t like it this time.” At my raised brow, her fangs drop, and the imp strikes before I can kiss her, biting the tip of my ear. The very edge, and I can’t deny it stings. She pierces the cartilage and shakes her head a bit, tearing the skin and I hold strong, not giving in to her choice of violence.

You’re going to pay for that, Anaya. Another mark against you.

In my head, I hear a giggle. The bond thrums with amusement.

Put me down so I can greet Isotta and Annett, my love. I missed these two females.

That warms my heart. How much she cares for them, the same way they adore her.

It was crystal clear the day my female left these lands while I hunted my escaped prisoners, their anger at her departure filling me with pride. They accepted my queen wholeheartedly.

Something crystal clear the moment I set her down and they rush to say hello, each woman placing their foreheads against my mate, whispering how much they’ve missed her.

* * *

We’ve been home on Wiccan territory for a week now, and there’s been no word from Theodore or Gabriella. Not from Isabella or Xadiel, either.

I’m not worried about them, though. Tero has done his job and visited twice, each time giving me a verbal report on his findings and assuring me they are safe.

“Silla was spotted in London two days ago, close to werewolf territory.” We’re sitting inside my office, the constrictor’s scales becoming visible with each intermediate vibration. His entire body is wound tight, his leg shaking as he hands me a folded note. Roberto eyes it, face pinched tight. “But before a wolfen guard who’d taken the weekend off to spend with his mate could approach, she took off, blending with the crowd and then vanishing altogether.”

“She’s smart. I’m also positive news of Ruben’s death has reached her by now.” My uncle makes a croaky sound then, pulling my attention toward him. His finger’s pointing at a legal pad on my desk and the pen beside it; I hand the items over and watch him scribble a quick note.

Silla wanted you to see her. I have no doubt that was done on purpose.

“But why? What’s her angle?” Tero asks after reading Roberto’s writing. “Seems idiotic to expose yourself like that, especially with hunters searching for her daughter and the fae male Chiara helped escape.”

I haven’t spoken to my uncle about his mate’s offspring, and I take in the shock on his face.

The utter betrayal and devastation.