Someone you never want to meet. Markane had said.

Abacus wiped a drop of blood from his goblet and grabbed a chunk of pig meat. “King Asmodeus, let us not stray from the topic. We’re in a hurry.”

“You should be honored we stayed this long,” Markane murmured not loud enough for the servants in waiting to hear.

Had he forgotten the rest of us had keen hearing? Perhaps he didn’t care.

Asmodeus let out a low snarl. Victus passed Markane an evil eye, a warning.

Markane dipped his head to Asmodeus when the room went silent. “I meant. We’re honored to be here. I’m sure the food is delicious, but when you invite vampires for a meal, we expect fresh blood.”

The air became thick and tight as my chest. Asmodeus didn’t blink. I couldn’t tell if he was stunned or offended. He put a hand to his crown then to his face.

“My apology, Lord Markane,” Asmodeus sounded genuine. “The vamps who have joined my kingdom are eating human food and drinking animal blood. So your meal is a day old, that’s all. Just a day. I had forgotten you and your people are still accustomed to the ancient ways.”

“Some traditions are not meant to be broken,” Markane ground out. His irises flickered in crimson then back to brown.

Asmodeus’s goblet stopped just before it touched his lips, his fingers tightening around the gemstones. If he felt displeased or angry, he didn’t show it. He put down his cup without a sound.

“Your king doesn’t even touch his meal, and you complain yours is not fresh.” He let out a strange sound, a half scoff and laugh. “Very well. None of us will mind, and I don’t care what Eva thinks. I suppose there’s an animalistic hunger in all of us. So …” He glanced over their shoulders and pointed at a servant. “You. Come here.”

Light footsteps padded around the table. My heart nearly stopped as Clara stepped up behind Levia, who had eaten half the cake.

“You can have her, but don’t kill her,” Asmodeus said. “She’s healthy and cooks well.”

“No,” I snapped, surprised at my boldness. My need to protect her outweighed the consequences. “She’s not healthy. She has …” Think. Nothing. Think faster. Not healthy. Thomas and Nadira. “She’s got a vampire disease,” I blurted.

The three demon lords let out a belly laugh and almost blew out the candles on the table. Levia stopped licking the frosting, and Abacus and Markane froze.

Victus kicked my boot, right where the dagger was hidden. I suppressed the flinch and let it go, assuming he had done it by accident.

“I didn’t know there was such a thing.” Asmodeus picked up a few carrots and shoved them inside his mouth, looking amused. “Interesting.” He raised an eyebrow. “Is this true, King Victus?”

Victus exposed his sharp canines as he narrowed his eyes at me. “I have no idea what this violent, murderous creature is talking about.”

Violent, murderous creature. Funny how he had described what I would become when I freed Zander. I glared right back at him.

“I thought vampires were immortals.” Lord Paul chuckled, then took a bite of pork.

“I assure you, we are.” Markane bared his teeth, his nails elongating around the clenched goblet. “That feather bitch knows nothing.”

Lord Mark’s ring clanked against the goblet when he picked it up. “But I’m curious, let’s pretend Eva is telling us the truth. How could you tell the servant has this virus?”

I flashed a glance at Clara and leaned closer to the table to give these men a better view of my breasts to distract them. “Because I’m a Seraphim. And we’re all knowing.”

Not true, but I could pretend.

The demon lords didn’t retort. They were too busy staring at my cleavage.

Asmodeus brushed my pendant, but his gaze lowered. “Angels are clueless.”

I cringed at the rows and layers of teeth he revealed when he showed his true demon form for a moment.

“The disease is called vabies,” I said.

“What a ridiculous name. This little bird is funny.” Abacus chuckled, but his eyes narrowed at me as if to tell me to shut the hell up.

Markane thumped his goblet hard on the table, nearly spilling the blood. As his gaze roamed about Clara, the veins above his cheekbones slithered and his eyes darkened, likely deciding if he would attack her.