Please control yourself. Please. Please. Please.

“Markane.” Victus got his attention and snapped him out of his predatory hunger, then he kicked my boot again, shifting the dagger. He leaned closer and growled softly, just so I understood his warning. The noise sounded more arousing than a threat.

His hot breath brushing the side of my neck made me shiver. His tongue and teeth on my skin had been far too stimulating. Those nonsense thoughts and pleasurable tingles shooting down to my stomach were only the sign of how much I missed Zander and his touch.

I had a decision to make. I could get on Asmodeus’s good side like Levia had and kill him in due time, but that would take too long. Perhaps he would kill me first with the divine sword? Or make me pledge my loyalty to him by becoming his assassin.

I could tell them what Nina had told me about how their blood could kill each other and let them go to war with that knowledge, but then what would happen to the supernatural beings who lived peacefully? Guilt would eat at me if the hybrid children died if I could have prevented it.

“This human seemed pale earlier. It’s just a rumor anyway, but best to be safe.” I swallowed, hating the idea I was protecting the bloodsuckers. “You don’t want to kill a vampire lord and start a war.”

“You have a point there.” Asmodeus shrugged as he twirled his diamond ring.

I wished he would stop gawking at me, but he wasn’t the only one.

Markane contorted his features and crossed his arms like a spoiled child. “Well, I lost my appetite.”

Abacus snickered as he stuffed his face with potatoes and beans.

Clara stopped trembling and bowed. “If I may, King Asmodeus, I need to go back to the kitchen and prepare for tomorrow.”

Asmodeus shooed Clara with a wave of his hand. “Since supper is almost over, it’s time for entertainment. King Victus, instead of Levia, how about her sister? You could kill her instead. Life for a life. Does it matter whose life as long as it’s in the family?”

Sister? This evil bitch had a sister? Saving Grace.

Victus regarded him for a moment, contemplating, then said, “Let me see her.”

Asmodeus smirked and clapped his hands twice.

Chapter Thirty

The Sister


The servants scurried clearing the dishes and refilling the goblets, then placed a freshly sliced chocolate cake with white frosting in front of everyone.

The grand double doors opened with a loud creak. Four soldiers wheeled in an enormous birdcage and stopped at the center of the room. Its black bars glinted in the candlelight and sparkled, made entirely from hematite crystals.

Inside the cage an angel curled into a ball against the back. Red wings were wrapped closely around her as if she wanted to be invisible. Her disheveled hair, just as red as Levia’s, covered half her face. From a distance, she could pass for a giant cardinal bird.

Levia strutted to the cage and smacked the bars. “Come on, sister. Don’t be shy. Show your face.”

“I’m not your sister,” her voice sounded muffled, her head still lowered.

“Fine. Half sister. If you want to get technical.” Levia rolled her eyes. “Anyway, Evangeline is here. It’s your chance to apologize for betraying her.”

No. She couldn’t be Dawn.

The angel peered up, taking in the room and the guests as her gaze darted on each of them, then finally on me. She ran to the front, her fingers coiled around the bars. Dried black and red blood dotted all over her simple human clothing, as if she had been through a battle.

“Evangeline, I didn’t betray you. I would never. You have to believe me, please.”

The resemblance was uncanny once I was looking. The same color hair, heart-shaped face, and pouty lips, but I couldn’t believe Dawn was Levia’s sister.

Many lesser angels were hybrids so I wasn’t surprised, but Dawn being part vampire also meant Levia was part angel. I wondered if Levia had wings and if Dawn had fangs.

I clutched my heart. Something hot shot through my chest. Must be the shock of seeing Dawn.