Asmodeus took his seat and his goblet thumped hard on the table. He glared at my untouched glass. “I haven’t properly introduced this lovely lady to my trusty lords. This is Evangeline. And she’s a Seraphim.” He waved toward the three demons. “Lord Mark. Lord Paul. And Lord Simon. They are crucial members of my team. They oversee the regions I rule. Enough talk of politics. Let’s enjoy our meal and entertainment soon to come.”

Everyone grabbed for their portion of the food. Levia placed a whole cake in front of her and seductively licked the frosting with her tongue as her gaze pinned on Markane, who licked his lips just as slow as her.

“I already had my supper.” She shrugged as she wiped her mouth with a cloth napkin. “I prefer dessert anyway.”

Markane and Abacus took some pork meat and sniffed their goblets, but not Victus. He ignored the food as expected, but he disregarded his drink too.

Did he not drink human blood? I had smelled deer blood on his breath before.

Victus pushed back into his seat and lifted a sardonic grin. “If you’re including humans in your new future, what about the enslaved ones?”

Asmodeus dropped the piece of pork meat onto his plate and twisted his lips to hide his annoyance. “Someone has to mine the gemstones. In return, I provide shelter and food. What more do they need?”

Why did Victus bring up a question he already knew the answer to? Was he warning me about the human slaves? If so, he could have told me back in his lair. So why now?

My blood boiled as I glanced down at my necklace casting a beautiful crimson against the candlelight. I wanted to yank it off. This was the first time I’d heard of human slaves or gemstone mines. It only added to my already ever-growing list of issues that required my attention.

Asmodeus lifted the pendant from my chest with one finger. “Did you know ruby is believed to not only protect one from seduction, but also has the ability to soothe anger. I think it’s working on Little Dove. She hasn’t tried to kill me yet.”

Asmodeus let out a hideous chuckle as he slammed a hand on his chair’s armrest, and the three demon lords and Levia joined in the sick humor, cackling a fake laugh. When Asmodeus let go of the ruby, his knuckles lingered on my neckline then his long fingers caressed my skin.

My stomach lurched, and I clenched my jaw tight to stifle the urge to slap his face.

Just you wait. You’ll see a whole new side of me, and you won’t be calling me little, but rather violent and murderous dove.

Asmodeus ran a finger down his golden goblet studded with diamonds, sapphire, and emerald gemstones. “Did you know humans used to worship rubies and called them ‘burning flames?’”

“Don’t the humans mine the hematite too?” Abacus asked and bit into a carrot.

Abacus wanted me to know this fact. Why else would he have brought it up? But what was his motive? He and his brother liked entertainment. Did he want me to lose my cool and attack Asmodeus?

I shuddered but kept my steady composure. We were trying to give humans back their world while they slaved away to find the crystal that could contain the angels. The irony.

Asmodeus hissed through his nose and almost blew out the candle in front of him. “I don’t think this little bird wanted to hear about hematite, Lord Abacus. She’s not eating. Do you not like the taste of human food?” Asmodeus asked me, his gaze on my back.

If I unfurled my wings, he would feel threatened and might change his fake hospitable demeanor. So I kept them tight and unexposed, and bit down on my clenched teeth no matter the urge to release them and smack him toward the cluster of burning candles along the walls.

When I didn’t answer, he said, “Or is it just the food from my cook?” He stroked a hand around my shoulder blade. “Don’t worry, Eva. I wouldn’t poison you … again.”

I dragged fingernails on the table as I fought the urge to take out my dagger and stab his neck. I didn’t know how long I could keep up this pretense.

“King Asmodeus.” Victus cleared his throat. “My court and I must be on our way soon, and you haven’t given me a better offer for the feather being. Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

“Pendejo.” Levia stiffened, then her tongue slowly and lazily licked her finger coated with chocolate.

Her gesture seemed arousing as her heated gaze met Markane’s. The veins under his crimson eyes darkened for a second, then disappeared when Abacus smacked his back hard.

Asmodeus stopped chewing. “Where are you going, King Victus?”

“Back home. I have urgent matters to take care of.”

“I see. Then I suppose you’ll have to play catch-up later. I have requested Queen Maria, King Kristoff, and Queen Vara to join me to discuss our union. Our new future.”

The three demons pounded the table with approval and grunted.

I’d always thought Victus was the only vampire king. Four royals to rule their vampire people. Checks and balances.

Abacus had mentioned Kristoff. If we’re going to take her to Asmodeus, we should do this before Kristoff gets wind of her.