I can feel her nuzzle into my neck. If I had more time, I’d be able to dwell on the fact that she obviously feels safe with me. But not now. It’s showtime.

“Okay, I lost them for a second so I’m going to put you in this tree. When they catch up, they won’t be able to see you. Just don’t make any noise, okay?”

I climb up the tree as fast as I can, setting her on a secure, high-up branch. I jump down without looking back at her. The elves can’t know she’s up there, and I’m hoping they’ll be too distracted by fighting me to smell her. If not, well, they’ll be dead before they can do anything to her.

I hide behind a different tree, waiting for the elves to arrive. I can hear them, and it’ll be any second now.

Right on cue, twenty elves show up just ahead of me. When they’re close enough, I spring out and start ripping their heads off. Some of them fight with weapons like knives and arrows. Some with swords. Me, I only need my hands.

“Where’s the girl?” one of the elves shouts. I rip his head off before he can say anything else.

“You just killed my brother,” another elf says.

Great, now I can kill you, too. I rip his head off as well.

I tear through all twenty elves, only for twenty more to show up. And then twenty more. I’m completely surrounded, but it doesn’t bother me. They’ve barely gotten a scratch on me.

The more elves I kill, the less I feel anything. I know I’m getting stabbed, struck, and slashed, but all I can feel is the killing. That is, until I hear it. Sierra’s bloodcurdling scream coming from the tree that I left her in.

I whip my head in that direction, spotting a dark elf carrying her down the tree. The sight of his disgusting hands all over her does something to me. I barrel towards them, reaching him just as he jumps on the ground, shoving Sierra behind him.

As I advance on him, another elf swoops in and steals Sierra away. I rip the first one’s throat out before turning to the other.

“Zephiro!” Sierra screams from the elf’s arms.

I pounce, decapitating him and grabbing Sierra all in one move.

“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

She stares at me in horror before slowly shaking her head.

“Good. Now stay behind me. Scream if anyone gets close to you.”

I turn back around to the new group of elves who think they can take me. How unfortunate for them.

As I take on this pack, I slip back into the mindless killing once again. All I can think about is protecting Sierra. The elf taking her out of her hiding spot gave me just enough anger to finish the rest of them off.

I can feel myself losing touch with reality, seeing nothing but red. The bodies are piled so high around us that I’m surprised there are still more elves coming. That noble elf must really want her to send this many men to come look for her.

To think, some nasty old elf is waiting in his luxury home somewhere, thinking that this human girl is on her way to him right now. I wish he were in front of me now so I could rip his head off with my teeth, which is exactly what I do to the next guy who lunges towards me.

I allow myself to look back for only a moment just to make sure that Sierra is still behind me. I catch a glimpse of her face before returning to the task at hand. She looks utterly terrified. Except she isn’t looking at the elves. She’s looking at me.

Perhaps I’ll have to do a bit of damage control once we get out of here. This is the first time Sierra has seen me like this, and I wouldn’t blame her if it changed her feelings about me a little bit.

Sierra screams at the same time that I’m attacked from behind. The elf attaches itself to my back and stabs me in the shoulder. Pain radiates through my body, but I shut off the part of my brain that cares. All I need to worry about right now is revenge.

I reach back and pull the fucker off of me, slamming him to the ground in front of me and stomping on him, bashing his head in. I turn around just in time to catch another and snap his neck just as he reaches for my own with his sword.

Now I’m really in it, and the killing takes over me. I’m nothing but a machine, ripping heads off and tearing throats left and right. Nothing and no one can stop me. I must kill them all.

Another elf gets his knife nestled right into my side. I don’t even feel it as I rip it out and turn it on him, stabbing him right in the heart. Seeing the life leave his eyes makes me growl with pleasure.

More and more elves come, and every last one of them kisses the ground upon meeting me. By the time the last elf is finished, there’s a sea of the dead around me. Blood is everywhere, including all over me. There’s so much that it’s dripping off of me.

I look around, searching for something. There’s something I need to find, but I can’t seem to remember what.

Finally, she enters my line of vision, and things start to come back to me. I slowly make my way over to her, dodging the bodies as I walk.