Under the cover of night, we begin our journey. Every so often, we change direction or double back. I imagine he’s doing this as a precaution.

I have no idea where we’re going, and I’m pretty sure Zephiro doesn’t, either, but I know that he can get us out of here safely. I have to believe that.

What feels like an hour goes by, and we haven’t come across anyone. Zephiro moves with such stealth and speed that I begin to fully trust in the fact that we will get out of this alive. There’s no way anyone could hear us, let alone take him down.

More time goes by, and still, there’s no sign of life. I rest my head on his shoulder, allowing myself to close my eyes. I’m getting so tired, and I wonder how long it will be before we find a place to rest.

In the silence, I find myself missing the sound of his voice.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I lift my head up, surveying the forest around us. Zephiro stops in his tracks, taking cover behind a tree.

My heartbeat races, and I try as hard as I can to stay perfectly calm. I don’t want to be the reason we get caught. Zephiro reaches back, squeezing my hand before walking out from behind the tree and continuing in a different direction.

As we run, I can feel it. I’m not sure how, but I can sense that they’re near us. Closing in on us. I clutch Zephiro a little harder.

He stops again, ducking behind a tree, and stands perfectly still for a moment. I dig my nails into his shoulders, and he reaches up to press a hand firmly over my mouth. He’s worried that I’m going to give us away.

A noise like the rustling of a bush sounds from up ahead, and my eyes bug out. That’s when it comes into view. The shadowy figure of a dark elf not that far from us.

He doesn’t see us yet, passing right by our hiding spot. Zephiro moves faster than I’ve ever seen anything move before, lunging for the dark elf and decapitating him in seconds.

And it would’ve been fine had another dark elf not seen us. I don’t even have time to be shocked by what Zephiro just did, because we spot him at the same time. The cruel grin that spreads across the elf’s face sends chills down my spine.

It’s at this moment that I know I’m soon dead. A creature that cruel will kill Zephiro, his hatred winning over Zephiro’s strength. At least that’s the thought that fear poisons my brain with.

“It’s here! The monster’s here!” the dark elf shouts, signaling the others to our whereabouts.

In seconds, this forest will be swarming with dark elves, and I have no idea how we’re going to get out of this. Zephiro spins around, running the opposite way, and I hold on for dear life.

This is it. The moment when I’ll either die or be sent back to my former life. I’d choose death if it were up to me. That’s how much I don’t want to go back.

I can’t go back.



Irun as fast as I can with Sierra on my back, but I know that the elves will soon catch up to us. And when they do, I will have to fight them while also keeping Sierra safe.

“Zephiro,” Sierra whimpers.

It pains my heart to hear her so scared. I promised her something like this wouldn’t happen, and yet here we are. The thought of disappointing her pushes me to run even faster. But I know I’m just delaying the inevitable.

I try to shake the elves off, but it’s impossible. There are too many of them, and thanks to the one who alerted the others, they all know exactly where we are.

“Sierra,” I call out.


“I know it’s scary, but they’re catching up to us. The only way to be rid of them is if I fight them.”

She whimpers again, and the sound only fuels my anger toward these dark elves.

“I know, baby, but it’s our only option. And I’m going to have to set you down so that I can fight them faster. I’m going to stash you in a nearby tree and then retrieve you once they’re all dead. You’ll be able to see me the whole time. I won’t go far. I promise.”

“Okay… I’m scared.”

“I know you are, but I’m stronger than these guys. They have nothing on me, even if I am outnumbered.”