Page 33 of Shaped By Discovery

Do I have another option? Not really.

“Oh, I am. Which means I have no problem fending off the things that lurk in the dark, but that doesn’t mean they won’t still try to get the jump on us. Evil doesn’t sleep, darling, and we just so happen to be standing in the midst of the forgotten woods, where some of the most evil creatures call home,” he says, his smile melting from his face, letting me know just how serious he is.

I believe him. I’ve felt on edge since the moment I stumbled through and found myself here. Facing off against whatever creatures might call this place home isn’t something I really want to add to my already crappy night.

“Fine,” I sigh, because what other choice do I have? I need to get home, and he’s my best shot right now.

“Awe, don’t sound so excited, darling. I promise not to ask you about any of your deep, dark secrets.”

He winks before turning and heading back the way he came. I have no choice but to follow him unless I want to take my chances here.

I really, really don’t.

I trip over a branch as I hurry to catch up with his much larger stride, and I swear I hear him chuckle, though I can’t be sure, with his back to me.

I stick my tongue out at him anyway, sending a prayer to the gods that I’m not following him to a gruesome death.

Pounding at the door startles me. We hadn’t gotten a chance to eat dinner with Pike’s parents, so I’d decided to make something. I knew nobody else was going to worry about eating with everything else going on, but cooking helps me think. It had been the best bet for a distraction and, until this moment, was doing a better job than I thought it would.

Before heading to the door, I switch off the stove and cover the spaghetti. The pounding starts again before I even make it into the hall.

Who the hell could that be at this hour, and why the hell are they knocking like they’re ready to raid us?

The second I pull the door open, it makes sense.


I should have known it would be him. It seems like most of the crazy shit that has been going on recently traces back to him. Still, I try to keep my annoyance off my face as I greet him.

He did save Rena’s ass earlier.

The moment the door opens, he pushes his way inside, looking around like a crazy person.

“Where is she?” he asks, his words coming out in a rush, eyes wide with panic. Strange, I hadn’t thought it was possible to rile him up. Believe me, we’ve tried, but he has a thick skin and doesn’t seem to give a damn what we say.

I guess we were just doing it wrong.

I file that bit of information away for later before I realize what he’s freaking out about.


“She’s upstairs, in the library,” I tell him, taking pity on his near-manic state. I’m not sure what’s going on, but he’s clearly concerned. I’d hoped my answer might calm him down, but it doesn’t. The next second, he’s heading up the stairs without so much as a glance back, leaving me standing at the open door watching him go.

“Hey, you can’t just barge in here,” I shout after him, but he ignores me.

Damn it. Lyle will have my ass if he thinks I just let him in here to see Serena. Pushing the door closed, I take off after him. He’s already at the top of the stairs, rounding the corner, and I watch him through the banister as I take the stairs two at a time.

“What are you doing?” I hear Blair ask as I make it to the top of the stairs. Garrett’s got Blair’s door cracked as he peeks in, looking around, no doubt searching for her.

“Where’s the library?” Garrett asks, already backing away, and I realize he has no idea where he’s going. How could he? It’s not like he’s ever been here before.

Dumbass. What’s he going to do, try every door until he finds her? When Blair doesn’t answer, he backs away, continuing down the hall, and I realize that’s exactly what he intends to do as he reaches Sol’s room and pushes his door open as well.

Thankfully, he decided to go right instead of left.

This time, he doesn’t waste a moment before backing away when he finds Sol instead of the library. Garrett growls in irritation before moving further down the hall, and I sprint after him.

“Chill out. You can’t just go barging into everyone’s rooms.” I reach out, grabbing his shoulder to stop him.