Page 32 of Shaped By Discovery

It seems pretty normal if you ask me, minus the fact that I’m barefoot.

“And like I said before, wandering around the forest in the middle of the night,” he says with a shrug, and I roll my eyes.

“I told you I’m not wandering. I’m lost!” I repeat, saying it nice and slow so that maybe he will understand this time.

“That’s not any better. Hell, it might be worse, given the things that go bump in the night around here,” he says, taking a step toward me. He’s still mostly hidden, but I want to see him.

“If it’s so bad, then why are you out here?”

He chuckles, but the sound doesn’t match, sounding like a fucking melody where his voice is deep and husky when he talks.

“You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?” he asks, and I screw up my face at him in annoyance. “I happen to be the biggest and baddest thing out here,” he says, and I can hear his smile even though I can’t see it.

I get the feeling he’s serious.

Serious or not, he takes another step toward me. The air shifts, feeling charged, like before a storm. I’m not sure if it’s because of our back-and-forth or something else, but I’m not known to back down either way.

“Well, if that’s the case, I’ll be just fine. I’m used to dealing with people like you.”

Just a few more steps and he’ll be out of the shadows, and I won’t lie, the anticipation to see this monster of a man is enough that I have to stop myself from hopping up and down.

“I highly doubt that, darling. I can assure you, you’ve never met someone like me before,” he says, finally stepping into view, and any smart remark dies on my tongue.

He’s right about that.

If I’d thought Garrett’s eyes were unnatural, his are otherworldly. A beautiful purple that glows so bright, I’m shocked I didn’t see them, even when he was deep in the shadows. I have to crane my neck back to look at him as he continues to advance toward me, and by the gods, he has to be the tallest person I’ve ever met. It was obvious he was big even when he was hidden away, but somehow, I still didn’t fully grasp exactly how big. He’s dressed in boots and black pants, with a black shirt and an all-black cloak, but even covered, I can see the strain of the fabric as it wraps around him as if struggling to hold on.

What did they feed this guy when he was little, and where can I get some?

His face shows just the slightest hint of growth that follows the line of his powerful jaw, and though his hood is up, some of his messy, short black hair spikes out this way and that, as if refusing to be tamed.

But it’s not just his size that makes him big. He oozes power the same way the guys do, and I can only guess that whatever his beast might be, it’s nothing to play with.

I wonder if he’s responsible for the charged feeling in the air.

He reaches forward, hooking his finger under my jaw, pushing it closed, and I realize I’ve been staring at him with my mouth open like a crazy person for the last few minutes while my brain went on a spiral.

Why does this happen so often?

The wind blows again, and this time, instead of the strong iron smell, I’m hit with the scent of a forest. Not like the one we’re in right now, but more like the ones we used to do nature trails at or even the ones at apple farms. It’s fresh and clean, and I can’t help but take a deep breath, soaking in the small comfort as everything else seems to be falling apart around me.

He snatches his hand away the next second but makes no move to back away.

“What’s your name, lost girl?” he asks with a teasing smirk, and I have to resist the urge to hit him. Not only do I kinda need his help, but I’m pretty sure hitting him would probably hurt me more than him.

“What’s your name, big bad shadow creeper?” I snap, annoyed that he’s enjoying my current situation.

He smiles down at me, taking a step back and raising his hands in surrender. I watch as his whole face changes, making him insanely more attractive, and he’s already pretty attractive to start.

Damn, I should not be thinking of some guy I just met like this, especially when I have my hands more than full when it comes to guys.

“Not into sharing? Fine. How about we make a deal?” he offers, and I wait, unwilling to agree until I know what he’s offering.

“How about we get you out of danger, and while we go, we can answer some questions?” he says, and I can’t help but laugh.

“I thought you were the scariest thing out here?” I tease, not answering him on purpose as I weigh my options.

Should I go with a complete stranger? Probably not.