“You’ve lost the baby.”
“No!” The scream tore through my chest, ripping apart what was left of my soul. Now, all I had were tattered pieces.
“It appears the fall caused—.”
“No! Stop. Don’t!” I screamed at the doctor because if I didn’t hear it, then it wasn’t true. She would still be okay. I would still become a mother.
“Get out!” Another shout, but not from me.
Then, strong arms wrapped around my shoulders like he was trying to keep the pieces together. I leaned into the warmth until I didn’t feel the pain. All I felt was him.
“I’ve got you, Sunflower.”
My hand trembled as I sipped the water. The liquid sloshed into my lap, but I couldn’t stop the shaking of my limbs.
It wasn’t just the shooting; it was this fucking place. After the attack, Mike rushed me to the nearest hospital. Even though I insisted, I was fine.
Now I was stuck in an identical room as the one from my nightmares. The same beige walls. The same sterile scent. The same icy fear slithering down my spine.
My door opened, and my heart lodged in my throat. I felt like I was waiting for a doctor to come in here and take another piece of me away.
“Please, can I go?” I begged the nurse again. “I’m fine.”
Her thin mouth pinched as if my nerves bothered her. “The doctor is still—.”
A shout from the hall drowned out her words. The chaos seemed to grow louder. Angry voices making their way towards my room.
The nurse rushed outside to investigate the commotion. My skin felt too tight. My breathing was still shallow.
I couldn’t breathe when each one came with the scent of antiseptic. The sterile stench coated my tongue. The taste slid through my stomach, making it churn. My mouth watered like I was going to throw up. But a loud crash sounded in the hall, pulling me from my panic.
I jumped in the bed, my limbs shaking. I was like an unstable bomb, ready to explode any second. The door slammed open, and I stifled a scream.
“Mrs. Grace.” Mike’s face was red as he waved me over. “Come. We need your help.”
With what’s out there?
I didn’t ask. Anything that got me out of this bed was worth it. I ran across the room, prepared to confront a goddamn army, if that’s what it took to leave.
“Where the fuck is my wife?” I jerked as the roar echoed around the halls. My heart jumped up my throat. It wasn’t just the volume, but the pain radiating through the shout.
Immediately, my eyes found the source. Vander stood in the middle of the reception area. His chest rose with ragged breaths. His skin was dark red from the force of his scream. His hair was more disheveled than usual, like he’d been running his hands through it. Scattered around him on the floor was a phone, pens, papers, a wire basket like he’d swept his arm across the nurse’s station.
I’d never seen him like this. I’d seen him angry. Seen him violent with other people. But this was worse.
It was a complete loss of control. He didn’t seem to care that the Kent name would be smeared because of his actions. That everyone would know he was a criminal. Someone to fear. He looked ready to pull his gun at any second, just to prove how scared they should be. What would happen if they didn’t give in?
He was a monster. Everything I’d claimed he was. But I wasn’t afraid.
“I swear to fucking god himself, if you don’t tell me where she is, I’m going to rip your useless tongues out and shove them down your throat until you choke to death because at least then they’ll be good for something.”
Without waiting for a response, he grabbed a nearby wheelchair and whipped it across the desk. The nurse ducked just in time, and it slammed into a row of printers. They smashed to the floor. The sound of whirring and clicking filled the hallway.
The veins in his neck bulged. His hands curled into fists. His anger sucked all the air from the room.