The way he’d turned cold. The hurt in his eyes. I hated causing anyone’s pain. Hated more that it was him I’d wounded.
My head hit the brick wall as I leaned against it, waiting for Mike. I considered calling Vander, but I still didn’t know what to say. I wanted a baby more than my next breath. But I was starting to think I wanted him too.
That I desired more than this roommate situation we were in. More than just a drunken orgasm. It scared the shit out of me, but I craved it. I craved him.
I didn’t want to do this by myself. I didn’t want to be alone anymore.
I’d listen to the doctor, and instead of feeling excitement, I felt cold. Detached. Everything was so medical and procedural.
I understood it. But I desired more. I wanted this baby to feel loved. To know how much I wished for them.
And I wanted them with someone who wanted me.
“Ready, Mrs. Grace?” Mike’s voice made me jump. I’d been so lost in thought I hadn’t even heard him approach.
“Yes, sorry.”
In my life, it was risky to lower your guard, but it had been happening more and more lately. I wasn’t in a constant state of hyper-awareness. Wasn’t always looking for the next threat.
And I knew why. For the first time, I had someone who could do it for me. Someone to protect me.
But I should’ve known better. Life hadn’t given me anything good, and it wouldn’t now.
As I stepped towards the car, a loud popping filled the air. Screams erupted around us. My lungs squeezed as fear gripped me. My mind slammed back to over a year ago.
Screams and glass shattering. Mitchell’s fingers dug into my skin as he dragged me through the conservatory. There was chaos. People dropped to the ground as red mist filled the room.
Then, the shots became louder. Mitchell’s grip slackened. Warmth hit my face as his head exploded next to me.
My scream echoed in my ears as blood covered me. Pain ripped down my arm as someone dragged me again. But I fought.
Skin tore under my nails as I attacked. It was a fruitless struggle, like always. Then I was tumbling. Down. Down. I felt each stair as it smacked into my body. Heard my name being shouted.
“Grace.” Mike’s voice pulled me from the flashback. “Get down.”
He grabbed my arm, yanking me to the concrete. Metal hit my back as he pushed me against the car. But I was no help. I couldn’t breathe. My chest rose and got stuck. Quiet whimpers left my lips as more gunshots rang out.
That sound lived in my nightmares. That sound had taken everything from me.
My gaze blurred as I slammed my hands over my ears, trying to block it out. I rocked back and forth. Tried to pretend it wasn’t real.
It was a dream. A nightmare. It couldn’t be real.
My entire body shook. Glass from the car windows rained down, but I didn’t feel it. Or the tears sliding from my cheeks.
I couldn’t feel anything. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t draw breath.
The edges of my vision grayed. Images flashed through my mind.
Mitchell’s unseeing eyes.
Bright red blood.
Beige hospital rooms.
A doctor’s white lab coat.
No, no, no, I didn’t want to go back there. Please don’t make me relive it.