She nodded. “Okay. And I need my stuff, too, from home.”

I sighed and rubbed my head. “I’ll have Liv send for it. Make a list of what you want.”

She nodded again.

“Is that all, princess?” I asked, not sure why I was being short with her.

“No,” she said, frowning. “Look, we should talk about tomorrow.”

“What about it?”

“We need to have our story straight.”

I sat up. “Yeah. Okay.”

“So you told Liv that we’ve been together secretly for a while, but our relationship was open. I think that was a good idea.”

I nodded. “Thanks. I’m pretty great sometimes.”

“Also,” she went on, “we should tell the media that I’m very private. That way we can minimize the number of times I’m on camera.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Trying to get out of your work?”

“No, but the fewer times I have to lie, the fewer times I can screw it all up.”

He nodded slowly. “Makes sense.”

“How did we meet?”

“At a bar. You were a huge fan and couldn’t resist my charms.”

She shook her head. “No. You haven’t been in Philly in a while.”

“Have you traveled recently?”

“I visited a friend in Chicago.”

“I was in Chicago three months ago. We can say you were there with your friend and we ran into each other at a bar.”

She frowned, thinking. She looked cute as fuck trying to reason this whole thing out. “Okay, fine. That could work.”

“What else?” I asked.

“They’re going to ask for the story exactly.”

“Let me handle that.”

“Fine. What about the wedding?”

“We can tell the truth about that. Spur of the moment thing in Vegas.”

“Okay.” She stretched her legs and looked at me. “I think that’s it.”

“Good,” I said, lying back down and shutting my eyes. “I’m fucking exhausted.”

“I’ll leave you alone.” I listened as she stood and went back into the bedroom.

I lay there, eyes shut, and felt bad about how short I had been with her. She was probably pretty nervous for tomorrow, especially considering she had never done a media interview before, let alone lied to the whole nation.

Sighing, I stood up and slipped my shirt back on. I walked over to the bedroom door and pushed it open.

“Hey, why don’t you—”

I stopped in my tracks. Selena was standing there next to the bed in nothing but a bra and panties. She turned beet red and tried to cover herself.

“Get out!” she yelled.

I smirked at her. “I was just going to say you should order food for me too, but now I’m hungry for something else.”

“Nash! Get out!”

I laughed as I turned and left.

My cock was fucking rock hard as I moved back into the main living room. Selena was fucking incredibly sexy with her full, firm tits and her incredible ass. The way she got so embarrassed just made it that much better.

She came back out a minute later, fully clothed and looking pissed.

“You cannot just barge in like that,” she said.

“Forgot we aren’t really married,” I said, grinning at her. “Just wanted to check on my wife.”

“Seriously, Nash. Boundaries.”

“Sure. Whatever you say.” I smirked and moved closer to her. “But you know it excites you thinking about me staring at your body.”

“Not at all.”

“No? You don’t get soaking wet knowing that I’m fucking hard just thinking about your incredible fucking body?”

“Professional, Nash. We’re being professional.”

But that look she was giving me wasn’t professional at all.

In fact, she was looking at me like a starving cat looking at milk. She wanted to lap me up, and I fucking knew it. I stepped closer to her, cutting the distance between us in half, but she didn’t move a muscle.

Her lips were slightly parted. “I like to keep things professional, too,” I said to her.

“So then stop making comments.”

“I have to lie to everyone else. I’m not going to lie to you.”

“You can just not say it,” she mumbled.

“Why? I want you to know how badly I want that pussy on my mouth. I can make you come a thousand different ways, you know that?” I watched as she began to blush again, and I knew she was soaking wet for me in that moment. “I’m trained to know the human body. I can kill a man in a hundred ways with my bare hands. I can get a woman off even easier and in much more fun ways.”

“I don’t care,” she said. “And I doubt the military taught you that.”

“It didn’t, not exactly. That was my own training. And I’ve gotten very, very good at it.”

“Enough,” she whispered. She shook her head and took a deep breath and then stepped away from me. “I’m ordering food. What do you want?”

“Steak and a whisky,” I said, grinning at her.

“Okay.” She walked back toward the room.

“You going to hide in there all night?”

“Yeah,” she said, “I am.”

“Don’t trust yourself around me? Think you’re going to lose your mind and wrap those pretty legs around my face, let me eat you up?”