She looked at me quietly for a second. “Not at all,” she said finally, and then she turned and disappeared back into the bedroom.

I watched the door click shut.

My cock was so hard I could barely stand it.

God damn. That fucking girl drove me wild. Her words sounded like she didn’t want it, but every look begged to differ. She was practically dripping wet for me, begging for it, wanted me more than she even realized.

And fuck if I didn’t feel the same way.

What had I gotten myself into? Maybe it was a bad idea to choose a fake wife I wanted to fuck more than anything.

Or maybe it was the best decision I had ever made.

Only one way to find out.



The lights were bright as hell as I sat there and tried not to sweat.

After that arrogant asshole had walked in on me while I was getting changed, I pretty much went right to bed. I ate a little bit of the food that was delivered, but I didn’t have much of an appetite.

Because he was right. He was absolutely right. I didn’t trust myself around him. Every time he looked at me with that serious, piercing gaze and said something so deliciously inappropriate, I found myself so excited. My pussy would be dripping wet and I’d practically have to run away or else risk throwing myself at him.

And that was a real problem, because I wanted to keep things professional. The second we started mixing business with pleasure was the second I lost myself in all this.

I looked at him and he grinned at me. “Relax,” he said.

“I’m not relaxed?”

“You look like you’re about to get into a firefight with the Taliban,” he joked.

“So I looked terrified.”

He smiled softly and put his hand on my leg. I didn’t flinch or move it off since we were in acting mode. And since I really liked it there. “You’re going to be fine,” he said.


“Really. Just follow my lead.”

“Okay.” I looked at him for a second. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For being nice,” I said softly.

Whatever cocky response he had lined up was forgotten as a slim, gorgeous girl walked over to us.

“Nash!” she exclaimed. “Good to see you again.”

“Melissa.” He smiled and stood up. “I’m glad it’s you.”

“Why’s that?” She came over and kissed him on both cheeks.

“Because you’ll go easy on us.”

She smiled and looked at me. “Is this her?”

“Melissa, my wife, Selena.”

“Nice to meet you, lucky girl.”

I stood and shook her hand. “I am lucky,” I said.

“Damn right she is,” Nash said, laughing.

Melissa smiled again and sat down, turning her gaze back to Nash. The cameramen were getting set up, and a woman came over to pin a microphone to my shirt. Nash sat there and let people buzz around him, and I had to try hard not to swat them away. He looked like a Zen monk sitting in a forest, not like a Navy SEAL sitting in a media room.

“So, we’ll make this fast,” Melissa said. “I’m sure you guys want to get it over with.”

I laughed. “Yeah, we do.”

She ignored me, staring at Nash. “Nothing too tough question-wise, but I hope you’ll be forthcoming.”

“Sure,” he grunted. “Whatever you want.”

“Okay.” She looked at her crew. “Ready?” They gave her the all-clear sign and she looked back at Nash.

I got the distinct impression that she had absolutely no interest in talking to me at all and that she’d be looking to Nash for most of her answers.

Which suited me just fine.

“Nash Bell, how are you?”

“I’m good, Melissa. How are you?”

“I’m swell. So, who is this sitting with you?”

I smiled as Nash introduced me. “This is Selena Wood.” He paused dramatically. “My new wife.”

Melissa laughed. “Congrats to you two. Can I see the ring?”

I held my hand out, and she glanced at it before looking back to Nash. “So, tell me how it happened.”

“I was in Chicago doing interviews, a lot like this one. She was there visiting a friend.”

“That's fun,” Melissa said, smiling.

“Yeah, well, she’s a fun girl. More fun than I am. Anyway, I was at this bar, drinking like I normally do, and this girl comes up to me. I don’t know how, but she manages to trip and spill her damn drink right in my lap.”

Melissa laughed. “You’re kidding me.”

He shook his head, grinning. “True story. Right in my lap. Well, I bought her a new drink, and we hit it off from there.”

“Oh wow. How embarrassing,” Melissa said, laughing.

I glared at Nash. That asshole didn’t have to make me look like a clumsy idiot in our story. And Melissa was clearly eating it up; anything to make me look bad. The woman clearly had something against me, or maybe she had something for Nash.

“Tell me, Selena, is that how you remember it?”

“More or less,” I said quickly. “Although I remember he was much less smooth about the whole thing.”