My face was fucked up, but I could feel myself smirking with satisfaction anyway.
Though, I still couldn’t face my reflection. I didn’t want to see the damage yet.
I looked at my feet as I walked toward the shower and turned on the hot water. Then I sulked over to the sink and turned on the hot water there, and started washing the ink off my hands.
It burned.
But then again, ramming your knuckles into someone else repeatedly tended to damage them.
I hissed through my teeth as I scrubbed my hands, lathering them with soap.
The blue was hard to get off, but it seemed to be working for the most part.
But as I scrubbed and scrubbed, more of it started to come off.
It was coming out.
I ripped one of my hands from the stream of water and looked up close.
Did I see what I think I saw?
I finally had the courage to look at my face in the mirror.
Sapphire-colored blood had dried in spidery rivulets from my nose and mouth.
“Noah?!” I called, standing outside his door. “Dude, I need you to tell me something to make me feel like I’m not going insane.”
I heard the sound of a hastily closed laptop, the rolling of a chair, and the sound of his footsteps. Then he opened the door.
His eyes widened when he looked at my face. “Dude! What the hell? Is this one of your weird art projects or—?”
“So you see it too?!”
“That you’re bleeding fucking blue? Yeah, I see it! Er… I’ve got a medical kit around here somewhere…”
He burst past me and flicked on the living room light.
Annoyance flickered inside me. “Don’t you have questions or something?”
“Well, yeah, duh,” he said, ducking into the guest bathroom. “But it’s more important to fix you first.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“Doesn’t look fine. It looks like you need some alcohol wipes and some bandaids, maybe some stitching—”
“Dude, stop… just stop fixing!” I shouted.
He paused, then looked at me as if he’d never seen anything like me before.
I knew I was angry. I knew Noah didn’t deserve it. But goddamn, I needed someone to fling my frustration at.
Someone to blame.
“Just tell me it’s not real. Hit me or something, tell me this is a dream—”
“You already got hit plenty,” he said with a smirk.