Page 132 of Groupthink

“I’m not in the mood.”

His smile faded. “Sam… what’s this about?”

“You know what this is about.” The darkness of the house pressed down on me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about—”

“Don’t play stupid. This is about Grace.”

“What about her?”

Noah thought he was smooth. But the fucker shifted his stance guiltily.

He knew. And now I had to waste my time explaining myself to him.“You wanna tell me why I found her outside wearing your jacket?”

“Chill bro. She was cold, so I lent it to her.”

“Right. But you wanna tell me why she’s still wearing your jacket?”

He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “Guess I forgot she had it. I’ll pick it up tomorrow or something—”

“I’m sure you will,” I said acidly.

He stared at me. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing—”

“You’re avoiding the subject. You’ve been trying to swoop in with your Prince Charming bullshit and steal my girl.”

“She’s notyourgirl. She’s just one of your toys.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Something you want to say to me bro?”

He sighed. “I didn’t want it to have to come to this, but since you’re coming at me like this, fine, I’ll say it. You treat women like things. Like you can just throw them away the second you get bored—”

“Like you’re any better!”

Noah’s eyes narrowed to slits. “What’sthatsupposed to mean?”

“Oh, like I’m supposed to fall for your ‘good guy’act? Yeah right. You’re the same as me.”

“We’re not the same. When it comes to relationships, anyway,” he said through gritted teeth.

“At least Itryat relationships! At least I take a fucking risk every once in a while! You think you’re too good for everyone you date and write them off for theslightestimperfection! Because no one can live up to your sky-high standards. Ever consider other people arehuman?Ever consider other people make mistakes?”

“And look at where that got you,” he sneered. “You’re bleeding all over the place.”

“At least I bleed.”

“Dude, you’re bleeding blue, we should call an ambulance—”

“No. No doctors, no hospital,” I said, my heart racing.

Noah knew that was my line. There was nowhere for him to go in this argument, so he held up his hands in surrender. “Whatever dude. Fix yourself and whatever the hell problems you have.”

I knew he was tempted to stitch me up. It was a compulsion of his to make sure everything was clean and tidy—especially the people around him. Hell, it probably drove him crazy that I was dripping my blood—orwhateverthis was—all over the rug.

As he walked back toward his room, I felt livid, liquid rage boil within me. As he left me there in the living room, it felt like he was walking away with something of mine, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

“Have fun with her,” I said, trying to throw the words at his stupid back like a knife.