I shrugged. “There’s something about the pen that does that. It won’t let you prove yourself to anyone. Like, other people can see them. The ink-things all have their own lives and everything. Their own friends, their own careers. They think they’re real. And every time you try to point out that they’re not, it’s like the whole fucking world becomes blind to it. People say they don’t know what you’re talking about, and their eyes glaze over, and they change the subject. I thought I was losing my fucking mind at first. Shit, maybe I did. Maybe it’s still lost.”
“Well, if you’re crazy, then I’m crazy too,” she said, taking the last sip of her coffee.
“Weareseeing the same shrink,” I said with a smirk.
I let this smirk widen enough that it shifted my beard.
She gave me a small smile, one that reached her eyes this time.
It was nice to feel understood, for once. It was nice to finally tell someone else everything I’d been dealing with.
For once, I didn’t feel so alone.
And something about that made me sure, in my gut, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Summer was far, far away. I didn’t even have to look around and cock my head like a fucking chicken to check, because I felt so content in this moment that she could not intrude.
Grace rested her head on her hand and gave me a small, innocent smile.
She looked so sweet and perfect and innocent and vulnerable in this light. Like an angel or something…
I wanted to hold on to my anger. I wanted to be pissed off, because that usually felt the best for me. But I could feel it pulling away from me like velcro when I looked into her weird, wild eyes.
I was fucked.
“Listen… there’s something else I’ve gotta tell you,” I said, shifting in my seat.
Her eyes glimmered with curiosity. “Oh?”
“It’s about… fucking. With them.”
“I’ve already—“
“With both of them. At the same time,” I said uncomfortably. “It’ll either happen soon, or after they kill each other a few times. But it’s going to happen, cuz those things crave balance.”
“I don’t know what you mean—”
“Yeah I thought it was fucking nuts too. And I’d rather be doing anything else right now, but I’m going to tell you some shit and save you a lot of trouble.”
Then I crossed my arms and rested my ankle on my knee again to hide the log in my pants, and told her everything.
The door to Grace’s apartment opened and she stepped into the sun, looking dazzling. Even from down here in the parking lot, I could see that she was wearing one of those cream-colored shirts that was almost see-through.
But, I already knew what she looked like underneath. Ihadglimpsed her naked, sucking Sam’s cock in the living room last week.
A strange, uncomfortable sensation squirmed in my gut, ignited by a fiery competitive instinct.
I already knew I had an overpowering crush on Grace. But the fact that I was “winning” her from Sam made my infatuation even stronger.
It wasn’t right, and it wasn’t gentlemanly, and it didn’t make sense. But it was there nonetheless. I knew at my core that nothing would make me happier than making Grace happy, but spiting Sam in the process was a bonus.
Maybe he’d finally learn that if you treat women like garbage, they’ll find someone better.