Page 146 of Groupthink

My gaze tracked Grace as she trod down the steps, her jeans hugging her voluptuous ass.

I couldn’t keep my eyes from tracing the curve of her low back, protruding out to the convex curvature.

I cleared my throat, as if that could clear my very inappropriate, caveman-like thoughts away.

I was a gentleman. I was in control.

Impulses didn’t run me; I ran them.

That’s what set Sam and me apart.

It’s what made me better.

I opened the passenger door for Grace. “How did your work meeting go?”

“Better than expected,” she said brightly as she slid into the passenger seat.

I closed the door took my place in the driver’s seat. “You buckled?”

“Yeah,” she said, running her fingers along the smooth seatbelt.

I relaxed a little.

Everything was in its proper place.

There was nothing that gave me so much satisfaction as everything going smoothly and according to plan.

Oh, and I’d planned this date to death. There was nowayshe couldn’t have a good time.

There was no way she couldn’t notice I was a better boyfrie—date than Sam.

I pulled out of her parking lot and pointed the car down the road.

No traffic.

Good; we’d be right on time.

I relaxed a little more, but I couldn’t help but picture her head bobbing up and down on Sam’s cock the other night—

“So, tell me about your week,” I said.

She crossed her legs. “Well, it was pretty normal. I teach calc, trig, algebra one and two, and geometry. This week everything went well, since it’s the end of the year, and all my students are studying for finals.”

“How are you holding up?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation light.

But still, in my mind’s eye, all I could picture was naked Grace riding Sam.

I didn’t like that. I didn’t like it at all, but at the same time, it turned me on more than words could say.

Maybe this date was a mistake. Maybe I was only taking her out to prove something to myself.

Did I evenlikeGrace? Did I like her for real, or was I just trying to get revenge on my friend?

And revenge for what, exactly? He hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d gone through a breakup, and here I was with his… ex-girlfriend or whatever, or ex-hookup—

“Noah?” Grace asked.

I snapped out of it. “What?”