Page 80 of Mafia Mistress

He jerked his chin at his son and Giulio immediately strode out, closing the door behind him. Fausto turned his attention to me, the edges of his mouth curling slightly. “I thought we covered that, dolcezza.”

“I’m still furious with you. What do you want?”

He stalked toward me and put one hand behind my head, the other on my hip. He surrounded me and I wanted so badly to lean into him. To kiss and touch him. As if he could read my thoughts, his nostrils flared as he stared down at me. “I come bearing gifts.”

The conversation about Katarzyna fresh in my mind, I recoiled. “I don’t want gifts. I want to go home.”

The lines around his eyes deepened, but he continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “You will want this one. Reach into my left coat pocket.”

He was wrong. I didn’t want it, but I couldn’t tell him that without seeing it first. I reached into his coat pocket and a thin rectangle met my fingers. I gasped and pulled it out. “Oh, my God. A phone!” The relief I felt was overwhelming. I could call my sisters whenever I felt like it. My friends, too. I could watch cat videos and catch up on celebrity gossip.

“This pleases you, no?”

I would gladly take this gift, seeing as how it was one of life’s necessities. Like food. “Yes, it does. Thank you.” I couldn’t help it. I pushed up on my toes and kissed him on the mouth. He didn’t deepen it, and I was glad. I still hadn’t forgiven him.

“Prego. Now reach in the other coat pocket.”

I wasn’t sure I would like another gift, but curiosity got the better of me. I reached in and felt a small piece of plastic. “What is this?”

“Pull it out and see.”

It was a credit card, the exclusive black color. I stared at it like it was a snake. “I don’t need this. I have my own money, Fausto.”

“I know you do, but I would like to spoil you today. Giulio will take you to Rome this afternoon. Buy anything you like. Then I’ll see you tonight.”

Rome? Oh, my God. I’ve always wanted to see Rome. How did Fausto do this to me? It was like he plucked every thought inside my brain and used it against me.

But taking his credit card meant I was signing on as his full-fledged mistress, didn’t it? I wasn’t certain I was ready for that step, especially after last night. “I will go to Rome but I will use the money I brought in my satchel.”

His thumb rubbed back and forth across my neck, causing tingles all along my spine. “Use my credit card. Let me do this for you to ease my conscience, okay?”

“Fausto....” I couldn’t even finish the thought. My resistance was melting in the face of his sweetness. Was there really harm in accepting his generosity this one time?

“Please. Just today.”

I closed my eyes and gave in. “Fine, but just today. And fair warning, I will spend until I’m no longer angry at you. I hope you have a high limit on this card.”

He bent to kiss me, softly on the lips first then along my jaw. I arched against him, like a needy cat starved for his touch. His lips reached my ear. “That card has no limit, la mia piccola monella. Do your worst, then forgive me and let me fuck you tonight.”

The walls of my pussy contracted, the greedy bitch. “We’ll see,” I breathed, desperately clinging to my dignity.

He stepped back and released me slowly. “Have fun, bellissima. Feel free to text me pictures. My number is in your phone.”

“That was presumptuous,” I said smartly. “How did you save it? Il Diavolo?”

Fausto’s mouth curved into a wicked smile. “Il Trombamico. It’s what all the kids say these days.”

“I’m afraid to ask what that means.”

“Fuck buddy,” he answered.

“I think I’ll change it to stronzo. What am I in your phone? Piccola monella?”

“No, you are La Bella Figa.”

I frowned. “Beautiful...fig?”

Fausto bent to whisper in my ear. “Beautiful pussy.”