Page 81 of Mafia Mistress

I don’t know why I found that so hot, but I did. I swallowed hard and tried not to let him see how I felt. “How will you keep all your bella figas straight in your contact list?”

“There is just una bella figa, Francesca.”

He let that statement sit between us for a long second, and I have to admit that I was relieved. At least in the short term, he was mine, too.

He stepped back, releasing me and heading for the door. “Now, go and spend my money. Buy something sexy I can tear off of you later.”

* * *

“Dio santo!More gelato?”

I ignored Giulio as I accepted my pistachio gelato. “Grazie. He’s paying,” I hitched a thumb in Giulio’s direction, a small bit of revenge for mocking me.

Giulio handed some of our bags to one of the guards and dug out his wallet. “I have never seen one so tiny eat so much. Where does it go?”

“To my boobs and ass, obviously.”

I held up my gelato and snapped a selfie, then posted it to my social media. Gia and Emma had been commenting on my photos all day, and I was so happy to connect—even virtually—with my sisters. Giulio refused to get in any of my photos, saying it wasn’t a good idea for him to be seen online. I wasn’t sure if that was because of the Italian police or his boyfriend. Whatever the reason, I respected his wishes.

“Where to now, G?” I licked the creamy goodness off the spoon. “I don’t know how many more dresses and shoes I can buy.”

“We are going around the corner next. You’ll see.”

A man riding a sleek compact motorcycle buzzed by us. “Do you think Fausto would let me buy a Ducati?” I’d always wanted one but my father refused, saying they were too dangerous.

“I think he would never permit you to ride it. He was very angry when I bought my Ferrari. He would rather I was driven around by the guards in one of the protected vehicles he uses.”

“I’m not surprised. You are the only heir.”

“Do not remind me.”

“What did you tell him about marrying Enzo D’Agostino’s sister?”

He sighed, a pinched expression flashing over his handsome features. “I said she was a child. But he reminded me that the wedding wouldn’t take place until she was of age, so that at least buys me some time.”

“That sucks. Maybe something will happen and you won’t have to marry her.”

“My father will only find someone else. It is inevitable and not surprising for a man in my position.”

“Will you be happy?”

“Does it matter?”

I glanced back at the guards following us. They were close, but not within earshot. “Of course, it matters,” I murmured. “Hiding and lying your whole life? That sounds miserable.”

“I have had years and years to come to terms with my future. And all men I know cheat on their wives. I will just need to be more discreet.”

“All married men you know cheat on their wives?”

“Except Zio Marco. He is the only one.”

“When your father was married, do you think he cheated on your mother?”

“Without a doubt. They were not happy together, but even if they had been, I doubt Fausto would have remained faithful.”


“Because a man in his position, in our world, it is a sign of strength, of manliness, to have more than one woman.”