Ghost and I were just about to round the corner when the place erupted in gunfire.
He, Rusty, and I scattered, each of us ducking for cover, but I was a bit too slow.
I’d just stepped into a doorway when I felt a searing pain rip through my side. A bullet found its mark and sliced through my side, sending me crashing into the wall. I was stuck in a momentary haze of piercing pain, but it wasn’t enough to stop me from getting to Jenna. I pushed through, and when I spotted the guy who’d shot me, I aimed my gun at his head and squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet right between his eyes.
Prez and Creed had made their way in through the back, and more shots rang out. And more fell dead.
In a matter of seconds, silence fell on us once again. I held up my hand, signaling for the others to wait while I went to check things out. With the barrel of my gun aimed straight ahead, I continued to the foyer where Jenna had met with Delgado.
There were four guards sprawled out on the floor, and they were so out of it they were practically drooling. I shot one in the head, and then the next and the next. It felt like I was giving them the easy way out, but I didn’t want to take a chance on them waking up.
Once I was certain they’d all been dealt with, I called out to the others, “We’re clear!”
When I spotted Jenna, I rushed over to make sure that she was okay. She was out, just like the others, but she was okay. Prez and the others had started to file into the room. Ghost came over, and with concern in his eyes, he asked, “She okay?”
“Yeah, she will be.” I stood as I ordered, “Get Delgado to the clubhouse and take him to one of my rooms.”
“You got it, brother.”
I didn’t want to leave Jenna. But I’d made a promise and Jenna would expect me to keep it. Besides, I knew they would keep an eye on her, so I started up the staircase leading to Delgado's office.
I had no idea what I would find when I reached the top.
I prayed that Luna was okay, and for Delgado’s sake, I hoped he hadn’t hurt her. But I wouldn’t know for certain until I laid eyes on her. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door, and a wave of relief washed over me when I spotted Luna balled up on the sofa. She was sleeping soundly and looked to be okay.
My chest swelled with emotion as I lifted her into my arms and held her close. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head, and her little eyes fluttered open. With a tiny gasp, she muttered, “Hey.”
“Hey, kiddo.” I gave her a quick once over as I asked, “You okay?”
She nodded, then whispered, “I want Momma.”
“I know you do. She’s here, and I’m gonna take you to her, but I need you to do something for me.”
I sat her down on Delgado’s desk just long enough to take off my cut. I’d all but forgotten about being shot until Luna muttered, “You got another booboo.”
“Shit.” I glanced down at my bloodstained shirt, and I could see through the tear that it was just a bad graze. “I’m okay. Just need a Band-Aid.”
“You said shit.”
“It’s been a day, kid. You’re just gonna have to give me that one.” She nodded, then listened as I said, “I’m gonna take you to your mother. You gotta keep your head down and your eyes closed until I tell you it’s okay. Do you think you could do that for me?”
She nodded, and as soon as I lifted her back in my arms, she closed her eyes and nestled her head between my shoulder and jaw. Damn. The kid was killing me. I held her close against my chest, covered her with my cut, and started my descent back down the stairs. I was about halfway down when I spotted Skid in the center of the foyer with Jenna cradled in his arms.
Even though he was my kid and I knew he’d never step against me, I saw red. The second he saw that I wasn’t pleased, he shook his head and said, “Don’t look at me like that. I know she’s your girl. I’m just trying to help.”
I didn’t respond.
I just continued down the steps and right out the front door. With Skid following close behind, I took Luna out to the SUV and got her settled in the back with her mother. There were still things that needed to be done, so I turned to Skid and ordered, “Stay with them. It shouldn’t be long.”
Without waiting for a response, I went back to check on Prez and the others. They were all making their way out front, preparing to leave. “How do you wanna handle the cleanup?”
“I called in Cletus.”
Cletus was ex-military, and while he spent most of his day working as a school janitor, he had a real talent for making problems go away. I had no doubt that he would take care of Delgado’s men. He would either make them disappear or ensure that no one would ever suspect that we had anything to do with their murder.
“So, we’re good?”
“For the moment. Now, let’s get your girls home and call it a day.”