Page 12 of Half Cocked

I wasn’t sure what baby girl was doing here. Especially with everyone and their uncle warned about allowing a Rossi into the club for a third time. It was now deemed a fireable offense but still totally worth the risk—if you asked me. Zeke might argue otherwise.

We were lucky enough that O’Brien was a dumb fuck, easily distracted by anything in a miniskirt or, in this case, a pair of skintight riding leathers.

I took a moment to appreciate the view from where I was standing by the side door. I had no doubt she expected me to come through the front, which allowed me a few minutes to take in the little hellcat with naturally chocolate-brown hair that begged to be wrapped around a fist and tugged, a tiny waist my palms were just itching to grip until each of my fingers left an indent, and curves that rivaled Marilyn’s on a good day. And were even fuckin’ better on a bad one.

Danica Rossi was like every man’s wet dream. At the very least she was mine. Cliché as fuck to say aloud but no one was stopping me from thinking it. I could see the goose bumps forming across her arms, her top half bare except for a tiny leather vest that was no more than a bathing suit top in size.Baby girl looked like she was freezing her tits off, despite the matching leather pants and black ankle boots.

Something told me she wasn’t planning on going out tonight…

Her dark eyes flicked in my direction almost as if she could feel me watching her from afar. But it was like the lights were on and no one was home—she was doing that thing where she sort of stared through me again.

It wasn’t safe for her to be hanging 'round outside the club; it was less safe to drag her inside along with me. But apparently neither one of us cared about our wellbeing at the moment.

It took two steps for me to close the distance and zero fucks to ignore O’Brien’s raised brow as I threw my jacket over Danica’s shoulders and guided her through the employee entrance. She didn’t say a word, or really even acknowledge my presence as I led her down the dark hallway before pulling her inside the first door I found. All while hoping the guys in the back room weren’t paying too much attention to the security feed. Thank fuck most of them were on Mulligan’s payroll and didn’t give two shits about their “day” jobs. The club wasn’t anything more to them than a front, a place to fuck around and clean their dirty money. Whereas it was my and Zeke’s goddamn livelihood.

I glanced behind me before shoving the supply closet door shut and pivoting to face Danica, my back pressing against her only escape and my hands free to do as they pleased this time around.

But first thing was first. I needed someone to cover me, and there was only one someone I trusted enough to ask almost as much as I dreaded asking 'em.

I raked a hand through my hair, far more stressed about approaching Zeke than I was about someone finding me and my little stalker tucked away in this closet. The same girl who had yet to acknowledge my presence, mind you.

I reached out a hand, tipping her chin up and forcing her to look at me with that dead expression on her face. “Stay right here. Do not leave this room, got me?” When she didn’timmediately respond, I added,“Blink if ya understand me, dollface.”

Something about the words I said or the tone I used had her lashes fluttering in my direction. Which I took as the closest thing I was gonna get to ayesat the moment.

There was more to Danica’s sudden appearance tonight, almost as if she wasn’t just looking for me but some part of her was asking for help. Because whatever was going on in that head of hers, it wasn’t normal.

Lucky for us, neither was I.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead, the only thing that felt right when baby girl was nearly catatonic, turned around, grabbed the knob, and slowly clicked the door closed behind me.

This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have, but lying to my best friend wasn’t an option either. Unfortunately another one of my quirks was that I was honest to a fault—at least that was what everyone liked to tell me. Though I always thought it had more to do with the realization that I was a shit liar, so why bother tryin’ in the first place?

Zeke gave me shit for a good five minutes before the fucker waved me off and told me to hurry the fuck up or he’dhand my ass over on a silver platter. It was bullshit and we both knew it, but I had the decency to at least pretend like I believed him.

I didn’t have much of a plan in mind when it came to what I was doing here, how I’d get her out without being seen, or what I’d say if someone spotted us. But honestly that was pretty par for the course with me. Planning just meant you expected things to go wrong, and my last name gave me the benefit of having pure dumb luck on my side.



“Oh, but you did, baby girl. Heard you were beggin’ for it too.” My words seemed to echo around us as I edged my little troublemaker closer to the back shelving.

Danica seemed much more herself now—what parts of her I’d gotten to know anyway—as she jutted her chin defiantly, her glare searing like she was hoping she could burn a hole in the center of my forehead.

“How do you know my name?” It sounded more like an accusation than a question. Which was funny when you thought about it, seeing as baby girl was the one stalking me and not the other way around. Not saying I had any qualms about hunting her down. It just seemed near impossible when this woman disappeared like Cinderella at midnight.

“Apparently, you’re a legend around here, dollface. Something about you having a beef with the Mulligans?” I quirked a curious brow, even knowing damn well she wasn’tabout to clue me in to the history there. One thing I knew for sure was that Danica Rossi liked her secrets.

“More like they have a beef with me,” she grumbled, her top lip curling into a snarl. Her eyes flicked to the door and I could almost see the wheels turning in her head. My girl was looking to bolt, and I didn’t even know why she sought me out in the first place.“And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away from both of us.”

“There’s something you need to understand, dollface. I don’t know what’s good for me. Never said I did. Or gave you any inclination that I cared. If I want an extra piece of cake before dinner, I’m gonna fucking eat it. Because it tastes goddamn good. Same goes for you. If I wanna fuck your ass six ways to Sunday while playing a game of Russian roulette, I’m gonna do that too. I don’t give a fuck if it’s good for me or not. Not when we both know it feels fucking fantastic.” I leaned forward, pressing my body closer to hers. “And no one, not even you, can do a damn thing to stop me.”

Distraction was the only tool I had at my immediate disposal. So I pried her legs apart with my knee, feeling the warmth of her cunt even through two layers of clothing, and propped my right arm on the shelf above her head. I knew she could fight me off if she was really looking to get away but my gut told me her feigned reluctance was a front. A fight-or-flight response because I made her feel uncomfortable in all the right ways. It was hard for someone who was used to relying on themself to admit they wanted something from someone else. Almost like they thought it made them weak.

I had no problem admitting it, though. I wanted this woman more than I needed my next breath. Enough to risk my life and my livelihood just to steal a few minutes alone with her in this closet.

Her head tipped up almost subconsciously. Like she didn’t even realize she was leaning into me, her hands no longer pushing on my chest to shove me away but clutching my shirt to tug me forward as her hips started to grind against my thigh. She would never say it aloud; she didn’t have to. Her body language spoke volumes.