Page 13 of Half Cocked

She wanted me.

My free hand crept up and around her throat before gently drawing Danica’s head forward to close the millimeters of space between us. I could have just lowered my lips to hers, but something deep in my psyche needed her to come to me. To submit in some fashion when the woman hungered for control.

The moment her mouth met mine, though, all bets were off. I slammed my body against hers, not even bothering to look when I heard the distant sound of glass shattering as various items rolled off the shelving unit and hit the floor. Danica wrapped her legs around my waist in a frenzy of thrashing limbs and gnashing teeth. I yanked her head back to give me a better angle, and she moaned against my lips. The sound like music to my goddamn ears.

Obviously we’d fucked already—or rather she fucked me—but this was different. So much better. Especially as my hands pulled and tugged at her too-tight pants as I propped her ass on the ledge and struggled to shove the material down her thighs. But fuck if it wasn’t worth the effort. Like finding the prize at the bottom of the box after weeks of eating the same bland cereal. I fumbled around between her legs before yanking her underwear to one side and dipping a finger into her wet cunt.

I groaned as Danica threw her head back, seemingly unfazed when she cracked it against a metal bracket. She continued to twist her hips and ride my hand until I pulled it free and reached for my belt buckle. One snap of a button and a quick release of a zipper later, and I was pulling my cock free and driving forward.

The first thrust was nothing short of nirvana—especially after how she left me the other night—while the next three had me counting dead kittens in my head to keep from coming. “Fuck, baby girl, you feel so fucking good,” I grunted between thrusts.

“Dani,” she hissed in reply. Though I could tell she was struggling to get the words out.

“What was that?” I pulled back to look her in the eye, hoping it wasn’t the wrong move, seeing as I was pretty sure my balls would shrivel up and die if I didn’t get to come this go-around.

“My name. It’s Dani. Not baby girl or Danica. Or whatever the fuck else you like to call me. It’s just Dani. Four letters. Simple enough for your Neanderthal brain to remember.”

“The thing is, Dani.” I grinned, slamming forward again before she changed her mind and left me hanging. “I plan to fuck you until neither one of us remembers our own names.”

Her hands found purchase in my hair as she twisted her hips to the rhythm of my strokes, likely looking to bring herself to that edge with or without me. “Big talk for a man who was on the verge of coming the moment he walked in here.”

I captured her lip between my teeth, biting down just enough to sting, before releasing her on a grin. “What can I say, dollface? Guess I get off on being chased down.”


This was the last thing I should be doing. More likehewas the last thing I should be doing. Again. But the fucker was right. It felt way too fucking good to stop now and I was a hedonist at my core. Over-indulgence way more gratifying than doing what was expected of me. It was how I got here.

And I didn’t mean this storage closet. I meant my position in life. Doing what I wanted when I wanted was what had the eldest heir to the Rossi bloodline leaving it all behind to fuck around with some Irish prick who put a bullet in her head less than six months later, because his family didn’t like his choice in women. Or the lineage that came with her last name.

Apparently I had a preferred flavor though. Seeing as I now found myself in an Irish club getting my brains fucked out by a certified leprechaun. But something about Connor was different, endearing almost, in the way he pursued me. Despite his claim that it was the other way around.

I might not have remembered riding over here, but the fact that he knew who I was and wasn’t hand-delivering me to a Mulligan meant the guy was a little more than infatuated. My head was worth a pretty penny, probably why I found so muchenjoyment in slipping in and out unnoticed whenever given the chance.

He was risking his own neck just to get his dick wet. Which meant that he was either brave or really fucking stupid. Okay, maybeendearingwasn’t the right word. Men weren’t the brightest when it came to thinking with the smaller of their two heads. But for some reason, this felt like more than that.

Shut the fuck up, Dani.

I couldn’t help but scream at myself. Thoughts like those, emotions—yeah, they had no fucking place in my fucked-up world. And pretty boy was better off staying well the fuck away from my orbit and the shitstorm that came with it.

Connor’s mouth slammed down on mine again, his tongue darting inside and tasting me, as he groaned with each forward drive of his hips. It was that sound he made that geared me closer to the edge of climaxing, that had my thighs trembling and a moan escaping my lips before I could stop myself. The man had more stamina than I would have given him credit for.

Guess that time in the hotel wasn’t a once off.

He grabbed my ass, angling himself so that he was somehow thrusting deeper, as he pulled almost all the way out before diving back in again. His strokes alternated between slow and languid to fast and punishing. Which left me teetering on the ledge. I could feel it. I was almost there. But not quite. And that seemed to be his intention as a slow grin spread across his face.

I used one hand to brace myself on the shelf while I reached out with the other, gripping his back through his shirt and embedding my nails through the thin material. He hissed with the initial contact but apparently it wasn’t enough to get my point across, as the fucker decelerated to a goddamn snail’s pace.

I wanted to be fucked, not edged all goddamn night. The bastard was turning this quickie into a tantric sex session.

“Patience, baby girl,” Connor whispered into my ear, his minty breath sending a chill down my spine. “Remember, you’re the one who gave me something to prove.” He punctuated his words with more slow thrusts of his hips, this time hitting that deep spot that meant I could feel him in my lower abdomen. It was uncomfortable and so good at the same time, especially as his pubic bone brushed against my clit in a circular motion.

He had me there. Right fucking there. But I wasn’t about to let him know that and have the fucker stop, thinking I deserved it and trying to get back at me after the little incident in the hotel.

I could feel my toes curling, my muscles tightening in a way that told me my legs would feel weak later, followed by the delicious pressure in the pit of my stomach.

Fuck, yeah, I was com?—