From what I’m gathering, Damien deserves every lashing she’s giving him.

“Who should I bring as my date to your wedding?” she taunts. “You know what they say? Weddings are the best places to find one-night stands.”

“Stop while you’re ahead, Pippa,” Damien bites out.

“Maybe he’ll fuck me better than you.”

Jesus. She’s gunning straight for his soul.

The room turns quiet, like when you mute a TV and the subtitles aren’t working, but the show still plays. I sneak nearer. They’re staring each other down but not muttering a single word. If I wasn’t playing creep, I’d ask them to continue their regularly programmed arguing.

“He had no choice, Pippa.”

Everyone turns at Antonio’s harsh voice.

My gorgeous husband strolls into the living room, looking like a freshly sculpted man of my dreams, and takes in the scene in front of him.

Damien steps back, and a flustered Pippa stares at Antonio, wide-eyed. Her face is red, and dried mascara lines her patchy cheeks. The heartbreak on her face forms a pit in my stomach, as if I were experiencing the pain with her.

“Everyone has choices, Antonio.” Pippa inhales a shallow breath and releases it slowly in an attempt to calm herself because no way will she speak to Antonio like she was with Damien. “But men like you and him love to lead us women to believe otherwise.” Her voice hardens, and I’m shocked she’s sticking up for herself like this to him. “I didn’t leave this life behind because I was stupid. I left it because of this very situation, because I’msmart.”

“Maybe if you didn’t, I’d be marrying you instead,” Damien yells, inching up closer behind her.

She flicks her hand through the air. “Good thing I did then.”

He shakes his head, and even though his voice is as loud as a speaker, he lowers his mouth to her ear. “You left because you’re a fucking coward.”

“That’s enough,” Antonio barks when he notices me out of the corner of his eye. “Pippa, go home.”

Pippa pushes herself away from Damien while staring at Antonio suspiciously. “Fine, but I don’t want one of your men?—”

“It’ll be them or me,” Damien interrupts.

She flips him off without bothering to turn to look at him.

He snatches her wrist, gives it a twist, and turns her to face him. “Flip me off again, and I’ll hold you against the wall and shove that finger inside your pussy until you stop with your fucking attitude.”

I step back, placing my hand to my chest, and blush as if Antonio hasn’t said ten times dirtier shit to me.

Pippa jerks from his hold and pushes him back. “I hate you.”

Antonio walks toward them, and Pippa storms past him, headed for the door. Damien attempts to follow her, but Antonio stops him.

“Leo will trail her,” he explains. “We need to talk in my office.”

Damien scans the room and glares when he notices me. I perform a two-finger wave before turning on my heel and hightailing it back to the bedroom. I jump into bed, this newfound drama like an upper to my nervous system.

Maybe Damien isn’t as boring as I thought, and I can’t wait to ask him one hundred questions about it tomorrow.

From what I witnessed, their relationship reminds me of the beginning stages of Antonio and me. Although there’s more to them. They have history—I’m sure of it.

Instead of going back to sleep, I make myself comfortable and wait for my husband.


Had any other man created that kind of scene in my home, there’d have been severe consequences. But I had known this would happen when Pippa learned of his engagement with Riona. It was a fuckup on my end, but desperation always comes with fuckups.

Or maybe it’s fuckups that lead to desperation, which then leads to more fuckups.