It’s time for this princess to end the war.

I’m woken up by arguing from the other room.

“Fuck you, Damien,” a feminine voice screams. “I wish I’d never met you, let alone allowed you to touch me.”

“I’m warning you, Pippa.”

“Or what?”

The anxiety that stirred in my stomach dissolves into curiosity now that I know the situation isn’t with a murderousmob boss. From what I hear, it’s a heartbroken, scorned woman ready to rip a man apart.

As she should.

Since I’m a nosy shit, I step out of bed, shove my feet in my slippers, and creep out of the bedroom toward the living room. My slippers squeak against the floor, so I kick them off, realizing they don’t make great sidekicks for eavesdropping.

I peek around the corner to find Damien and a petite woman arguing. He has her pinned against the wall, his hands on each side of her face, as he dips his face to her level. His massive body blocks off most of my view of her.

She lifts up on her tiptoes to better square off with him, but is still nowhere near his height. Damien is tall and massive as hell. Men would fear for their lives, challenging him like this.

“And I want that GPS you planted—without my permission—removed from my car right fucking now,” she screams in his face.

Damien scoffs cruelly. “Not happening.”

She groans, attempting to push at his chest, but he doesn’t flinch. “Fine. I’ll sell my car or gift it to my cousin for your wedding with her.”

Oh shit.

Excitement bounces through me.

A live-action soap opera.

Damien just got a little more exciting.

I’ll addmarrying his ex’s cousin = entertaining dramato my list of pros of him being my bodyguard.

I lean against the wall, making myself comfortable while rudely watching them.

Damien jerks his hand back and then slams it back against the wall.

This time, she’s the one who doesn’t flinch.

She’s not scared of him, but she’s sure as fuck pissed.

“Watch your mouth,” he warns.

“Why? Does the truth hurt?”

Now, I do wince at the chill in her voice.

The girl has some balls—that’s for sure.

Sure, I got snippy with Damien earlier, but that’s because I am who I am.

But other people? They don’t give men like Damien an attitude.

So whoever this woman is, I already like her.

Hell, signherup as my bodyguard.