A single couch with a television, a small bed covered in thin sheets. But that isn’t what has chills spreading down my spine. It’s the images lining the walls from top to bottom. Pictures of her. From every angle and location. Some altered to include him. More recent shots to ones I’d guess were taken long ago. He’s been preying on her for fucking years. My blood boils. My stomach sours.
A more thorough search leads me to his DVD collection. All labeled with movie names. All the ones she’s in.
My anger builds, and I grab a random DVD, smashing it in half. Then I take another. I hate that he has these. That he gets off on her. That she’s had to live her life this way because no one’s been there to take care of her like she should be taken care of.
“Tate… TATE.” I pause, inhaling a staggered breath. “You have to pull it together, man. You’re not doing her any favors by breaking down.”
I close my eyes, struggling to breathe. My chest feels too tight.
“This isn’t your fault, Tate—”
I shove his hand off my shoulder and step away. “It is all my fault. I practically handed her to that motherfucker.”
“Look around you, man. This guy was determined. Whether it was at the liquor store or some other time, he was determined to get her.”
I twist around to face him. “Again, your bullshit isn’t makin’ me feel better.”
“I’m telling you this because it’s not your fault.”
“Jesus, will you stop saying that! It is! I fucking let her down. She put her complete trust in me, and I just fucking let her go. I didn’t even say goodbye. Can you imagine how that fucking feels? I never said goodbye. What happens if she—”
“Don’t go there.”
“I have to. I need to face the facts. He’s had her for too long. And every which way we turn, he’s a step ahead of us. Time is not on her side here.” Fuck, I’m spiraling. “Statistics—”
Rochel grabs my shoulders in a tight grip. “Look at me, man.” It takes everything in me to bring my eyes to his. Expose my weakness. Guilt. Regret. “She needs you right now. We’re not giving up. We’re not stopping until we find her. Got it? But I need you to put your emotions aside and think like a soldier.”
I squeeze my eyes shut and inhale, exhaling deeply. Then I nod. “Good. We should get back to the station. See what leads they have. Tillman’s lawyered up. He’s cooperating but sounds like he’s covering his own ass in the process.”
“Yeah. Okay.” He steps back, then instructs the forensic team to call him if they find anything useful. The ride to the station is tense, but he’s right. My fear has no place here. We pull up, and my eyes catch the sleek sedan parked in front. I recognize James, Theo’s driver. When we get closer, I realize he’s talking with Craig. We park, and I climb out.
“Your phone broken?” Craig walks up, looking less than pleased.
“Not now.”
“Now’s a great time. I have a very pissed-off client—”
“And I have a missing woman I need to find. He can be pissed off after we bring her home.” I pass him and jog up the stairs to the station. I don’t get too far when I hear Fay yelling my name.
Her face is stained with tears. She wrestles out of Theo’s grip and charges at me. “You bastard!” Her hand swipes across my face. “How could you! You were supposed to protect her!”
She takes another swing just as Theo restrains her. “Shhh…” he soothes, and she struggles in his arms.
“No! I want answers. I want to know where my best friend is.” She breaks down, and he turns her soaked face into his chest. When his eyes find mine, they look murderous.
“I want to know everything you know.” I nod. “And if you ever decline a call from me again, I will fucking end you. You understand?”
“Got it.”
“I don’t think you do.”
“Trust me. No one wants to find her more than me.”
Fay twists in Theo’s arms and sticks her finger out, jabbing me in the chest. “Wrong, asshole. Me. I want to find her more than you. Because she means EVERYTHING to me!”
“I think it’s best we move this party to a more private room.” Rochel raises his hand for everyone to follow. Fay throws one last snarl my way and allows Theo to escort her down the hallway.
We walk back and come to a stop at an open door. Inside, Officer Miller is standing in front of a blackboard, scribbling information. Vince Tillman is at the table with another man in a suit, who I presume is his lawyer.