Page 94 of HateMates

He looks at me over his shoulder. “Do you like your room? Figured it would help you settle in.” He pours cream into the mug, and my stomach convulses at the words on the side.“I run on coffee and cuss words.”He places it in front of me.

“Thanks,” I force the word out. Vince pours himself a cup and moves back over to me. Before he can sit, I toss the steaming liquid from my mug at him and get up, gunning for the back door. I get my hand around the knob when a burst of electricity blasts into my back, making my body seize. I fall to the ground, my teeth clenching and my arms and legs spasming as I battle the excruciating pain.

Vince looms over me. “Why would you do that?” He wipes his face. “Don’t worry, it’s just a mild shock. It’ll wear off soon. Up we go.” I want to fight him, but I barely have use of my limbs. He lifts me in his arms and heads back upstairs. Laying me on the bed, there’s a click, and I feel the sudden weight around my ankle. He steps back and shakes his head. “Maybe we should try again later.”

He turns and walks away. “Vince, please,” I croak, my voice weak. He doesn’t stop and shuts the door, locking it behind him.


I don’t know how much time passes. My mouth is dry, and I have to pee. I get up and try to use the attached bathroom, but the cuff around my ankle stops me. “Oh, come on.” I tug at the chain, knowing it’s useless. Stretching my arms, my knuckles barely brush against the door. “Hey!” I bang on the door. “I have to use the bathroom.” I bang and yell until my voice is hoarse and my knuckles are raw. I give up, sliding down the end of the bed. The door opens, and I scramble to my feet. “You can’t just lock me in here like this. I can’t reach the bathroom.”

“You’ll need to let me know when you have to go.”

“I need you to unlock this chain and let me go,” I snap. Shaking his head, he turns to leave, and I shout out, “No! Wait! I’m sorry. I really have to use the bathroom.”

His lips press together, and he slowly pulls the key from his pocket. He unlocks the cuff, but his hand shoots out to wrap around my ankle before I can pull back and kick him. “Don’t even think about it.”

“I wasn’t. I have to pee. You tased me. My body is jittery.”

“You will learn to accept this. Now, let’s go.” He waves for me to walk ahead of him into the bathroom and stands inside the door, closing it behind him.

“Privacy, please?”

“You have thirty seconds.”



“I can’t pee with you watching me.”


This is insane. I want to fight him, but I have to pee more. Giving in, I pull my pants down and do my business. When I finish, I walk over to the sink, desperate for water.

“Stop right there.”

I look over at him. “I’m washing my hands. And I’m thirsty.”

“Water is a reward. You must earn it.” He squeezes my arm and drags me out of the bathroom. I set my feet and try to wrestle my arm free because I need that water. My throat burns. “Let me go!”

“Keep fighting me and your opportunity to show me you can behave will be gone.” He tosses me to the bed and snatches my ankle, locking the cuff back into place.

“You’re a fucking psychopath!” I thrust my leg out to kick him as he moves out of reach.

“It’s not nice to call people names, Minds—especially not the one who holds all the cards. Think about how you can improve your behavior, and we can try again tonight.”

He turns and walks out. I barely hear the clicking of the lock over my screams. Rushing over to the bed, I grab the vase of roses and launch them across the room. Water splashes out and runs down the door as the glass shatters—water I could have had if I’d thought smarter. I watch each stream in dismay, tears soaking my cheeks.

Chapter twenty-four


My head keeps spinning as I try to focus on the facts and clues in front of me, but my mind won’t settle long enough. I’ve become useless in this search. How could I let this happen? She’s been missing for over twelve hours. He’s had her for over twelve fucking hours. I swallow the lump in my throat and drag my cold, clammy hand down my face.

I try to convince myself she’s tough. If anyone can survive whatever he has planned, it’s her. But the thought of what she might be enduring gnaws at my insides.

The sun begins to break through the blinds of Paul’s apartment. We’ve been at it all night. The barn was a bust. Not a single clue that would lead us to her. It solidified what we already knew: Paul Tillman is a fucking psychopath. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I look at the screen.Theo.This is the third time he’s called. I decline it and stare back at the wall. Walking into Paul’s apartment was like walking into another version of the barn but worse.