“Okay, let me know if you change your mind.” There’s no chance in hell of that.
We wait longer and longer. “How long has it been?” I ask after a couple more hours.
“I think he’s been back there eight hours,” she answers. “Oh, by the way, San, I know this might not be the best timing. But, did you ever take the St. John’s Wort I recommended?” she asks. It’s a funny question, especially now.
“Yeah, I went off of it a couple weeks ago.” Right before I found out I was pregnant. I keep this part to myself.
“Oh, good. I forgot to tell you it messes with your birth control pills, especially since you’re most likely having sex with Dom. But, if you’re off of it, I guess it doesn’t matter.”
“Messes with it, how?”
“Yeah, it lessens the effectiveness of it.”
Well, who fucking knew? I sure as fuck didn’t.
She scoots me over and crawls into bed with me. “Just sleep, Sandra. I’ll wake you if there’s any news, I promise.” But my sister falls asleep before me, and I don’t dare close my eyes to a world where Dom can leave me at any moment.
Ihave to fight to open my eyes. Something bad has happened. It’s so bad that I hear beeps throughout the room, but in it all, there’s a warmth wrapped around my hand. I know her touch anywhere, and because of it, I push myself harder to wake up.
“Dom, come back to me. Come back to us. Follow my voice, as if it’s light, and the beacon back to me.”
Sandra. She’d never leave me. And us. Who is us? It hits me all at once, seeing Sandra pushed in front of the cab, me shoving her out of the way, and my body flying in the air. Did I save her in time?
“Dominic. Open your eyes, baby. I know you’re there.”
I am here. I’m trying, Rosso. I’m trying so hard.
I can feel her head as she lowers it to my chest.
“Baby, please don’t leave me. I need you. After all, you’re going to be a father. I haven’t had a chance to tell you that.You’re going to be a father.You knew I was carrying your baby, but you didn’t pressure me. It’s when I realized you’re the right man for me. More so, you’re the right man to raise a family with.When I thought I could have lost the baby, I became physically ill. We made this baby in love, and maybe I needed to find the right man. You’re the right man. But there’s more, Dom. So much more. Open your eyes, and I’ll tell you.”
She wants to keep the baby? Our baby? Why can’t I open my fucking eyes? I need to see her. I want to hear it all. I try hard to communicate with her, pressing my hand against hers.
“Dom. You just squeezed my hand. I know you’re in there. Wake up. Wake up, please.”
With her last words, and the plea of her voice, I push with everything I have, and when I blink, as a bright light almost blinds me, her face comes into my view.
“Baby? Dom. Oh, thank fuck. You’re here. Oh, you’re here.”
I attempt to open my mouth but I can’t. “It’s okay, don’t talk. I never thought I’d look into your dark eyes again. You scared me. You scared everyone. Your brother and sister are going out of their minds. Bodhi, Garner… They’ve camped in the waiting room for the past two days.”
I’ve been out for two days?
“You’ve had us worried. They stopped the bleeding, but you were taking your damn time to wake up.”
She drops her head onto my chest again, as I’d felt when she was coaxing me awake. But there’s one thing I have to get out, to ask her, even if it takes everything in me.
“Is the baby okay?” I croak out in a question.
She brings her head to mine, a beautiful smile splitting her lips. “Yeah, everything is all right. And I hope you’re okay with becoming a dad, because I can’t think of anything I’d rather do in this world than to raise our twins together.”
Her eyes don’t leave mine, as her words play out in my head. Twin babies. Two babies?
“Two?” One word is all I can bark out.