“I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Jordan Peters. I was there when you passed out, and I took charge of the situation.”
I give him a nod of my head, acknowledging him, but then it hits me. “My baby?”
“Daimen took me aside and told me you’re pregnant, but only me. I ran a few tests and did a quick ultrasound, trying to ward off your sister, which is not easy, may I add.” We both snicker, because he’s not wrong. “But, to ease your fears, everything is okay. To my understanding, no one knows, except for Daimen and me.”
“Are they okay? I mean, he or she? I assume you can’t tell the sex of the baby this early.”
There’s a slight smile on his face that I can’t read. “You’re right, it’s a little too early to detect the sex, however…”
“Is he or she okay?” I ask.
“Theyseem to be doing well.”
I hold onto his words, as a promise. “You’re positive he or she is okay?”
“I wish I had a magic ball, but it doesn’t work that way. From what I see,theyare both growing like they should.”
I take in a deep calming breath, knowing my baby will be okay.
“Sandra, did you hear what I said about your babies?”
“Yeah, they’re okay.”Babies? They? What?“What are you saying, Jordan?” I ask.
“You’re a twin, right?” And I give my answer in the form of a curt nod. “It’s not a surprise, honestly. Twins run in families.”
“Are you telling me I’m having twins?” My mind is blown.
“Yes, Sandra, it’s exactly what I’m telling you.” He hands me a picture of the ultrasound and sure enough, I’m looking at both my babies.
“Wow, and...” I keep my eyes trained on these two little beings depending on me for every part of their survival. But what about their dad? “Is there any news about Dom?” I ask.
“Dom is still in surgery. I’ve not had a chance to check in, but I will. And don’t worry. I won’t say a word to anyone.”
He leaves, and I’m watching for my sister to sneak back into the room. I move the ultrasound picture under my pillow. No one will find out until I’m able to tell their daddy—and tell him what I’ve decided to do.
I just hope he wakes up.
Jordan keepsme back in triage for the next couple of hours to monitor my vitals, and my sister doesn’t leave my side. Every thirty minutes, a nurse comes back with an update. He’s been in surgery for five hours, and they can’t find the source of the internal bleeding. My body is sore, my heart is fragile, and, in my mind, I’m about to lose every bit of my remaining composure.
I’m dozing on and off, Cami taking her job as protective sister to a new level. I can’t imagine what she’d do if she knew I was pregnant too.
I take a quick peek at her stomach. It’s been a while since I last saw her, but her own pregnancy is progressing nicely, and with this being her third one, she’s showing a lot more than she had at this point with her two girls.
“Do you need anything? As much as I can’t stand the smell right now, I’ll go get you a coffee,” she offers.
“You can’t stand the smell of coffee, still?” I ask.
“Oh, fuck no. It’s gotten worse too. But for you, I’ll endure it.”
“Were you like this with the girls? I don’t remember.” Am I going to hate coffee the entire pregnancy?
She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t remember. Neither does Dane.”
Funny how we’re both experiencing the same thing.
“So, do you want coffee?”
“No.” Not even a little bit. I’m the type that could drink it ten times a day and never tire of it, but now, I want to vomit just thinking of it.