Page 73 of Seize Me

“Yes.And you’re Tony’s dad, right?”

“How’d you guess?”The man smiled.He was Tony’s father all right.They both had the same devastating grin.“Vito Delvaggio.Come.Let’s get you two inside.I’ll introduce you to my wife, Alisa.”

“Thanks,” Drake nodded as he put the car in park and cut the engine.

Thankful he was going inside with me, I had feared he’d simply drop me off and leave.As Drake climbed from the vehicle, Vito leaned in close.The two men shared a short, private conversation.I strained to hear what they said but couldn’t.A prickly sensation danced over my skin.Vito slapped Drake on the back with a nod before he hurried around the front of the car and opened my door.

“What else happened?”I asked, looking up.The street light illuminated both men’s somber expressions.

“Someone is following my son.Don’t worry, young lady.I’ve given my boy a specific route to take.I guarantee he won’t be followed much longer,” Vito preened, pride flickering in his dark eyes.

Tony had assured me his father wasn’t in the mob.And yes, I probablydidwatch too many movies, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d just stepped onto the set ofThe Godfather.

Drake bent low and lifted me from the car.

“I can walk,” I huffed, feeling like an invalid in his massive arms.

Hoisting me up against his chest, he grinned.“This is faster.”

Drake paraded me past the line of men, and I felt their curiosity rake over me.As we started up the stairs, I heard a deep voice whisper behind me, “Tony’s one lucky son of a bitch.”

The man had it all wrong;Iwas the lucky one.

Upon entering the house, the aroma of cinnamon and fresh baked bread filled the air.My mouth watered, and I instantly relaxed as the cozy atmosphere surrounded me.

“Alisa,” Vito bellowed in a tone identical to Tony’s.I couldn’t help but smile.“Leave the damn baking alone for five minutes, woman.We have company.”

No doubt about it, Tony’s dominance was definitely genetic.I bit back a giggle.

“Just who do you think you are, barking out orders at me like that, Vito Delvaggio?You be nice to me, or I’ll shut the kitchen down and let you starve to death.You can’t even open a can of soup, for the love of Pete.”

A petite dark-haired woman, wearing a mock scowl, scolded Tony’s dad before turning her attention our way.Flashing a bright, happy smile, she looked every bit the loving mother Tony had described.

“You must be Leagh and Drake.Let’s find you a comfortable place to sit.”She motioned for us to follow before leading us into a spacious living room decorated in creams and mauves.“Would you like the couch or a recliner, dear?”

“The couch is fine Thank you, Mrs.Delvaggio.”

“Call me Alisa, please,” she invited as Drake lowered me onto a soft, comfy cushion.Smiling at the woman, Drake sat in the empty chair beside me.“I’ve got a fresh pot of coffee and warm cinnamon rolls.I’ll be right back.”

As Alisa darted out of the room, Drake chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”I asked, yanking the ball cap off my head and fingering the tangles from my hair.I found nothing humorous, not while Tony was in danger.

“She’s the quintessential Italian mother, that’s all.The world could be crumbling out from under us, but she’ll make sure everyone has food in their bellies.”

“Itiscrumbling out from under me,” I replied softly.

“No, it’s not.Chin up, buttercup.If you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re not alone.So, stop thinking that way.Whoever is behind this shit, we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you get through it unscathed.You hear me?”Drake arched a brow.I nodded without rebuttal.Even though he’d shown me his soft underbelly, Drake still scared the beejeebers out of me.

Suddenly, the front door burst open, and Tony rushed into the foyer.Wildly searching the dining room, his head snapped in our direction.His gaze settled on me, and it felt as if we’d been apart an eternity.A rush of emotions played across his face, and I felt the same powerful wave of relief that reflected in his eyes.

Wanting nothing more than refuge in his strong arms, I reached out to him.Shucking the duffle bag off his shoulder, it fell to the floor as Tony lifted me off the couch and clutched me to his chest.

I clung to him, savoring his warm breath on my neck, the staccato beat of his heart, and the euphoria filling my soul that he’d made it safely back to me.

Neither of us said a thing.The potent connection between us conveyed more than mere words could say.

I wasn’t sure when or how it had happened, but Tony had branded himself deep in my soul.The stark reality that no man had ever truly loved me until Tony came full circle.He’d changed me—changed my life—and in that single moment, I knew I was destined to be his.I couldn’t hide from the truth any longer…I was in love with him.