Page 74 of Seize Me

Tony’s strong fingers tangled in my hair.Tugging my head from his shoulder, he slanted his lips over mine.Rejoicing in his passionate kiss, I gave back as good as I got.

“Anthony, you’re home!”Alisa exclaimed.

Tony broke the kiss.With a furtive smile, he stared into my eyes.“Yeah, Ma.I’m finally home.”

His double entendre filled me with warm, fuzzy joy.While he settled me back on the couch, Alisa placed a tray laden with gooey cinnamon rolls and mugs of steaming coffee on the low table in front of me.She turned and spread her arms wide.Tony wrapped his mom in a big bear hug, lifting her straight off the floor.She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he set her back down.Tony clasped Drake’s hand and thanked him for ‘delivering my package safe and sound,’ before sliding in next to me on the couch.

As we sat and ate, Tony shared a watered-down version of the night’s events with his parents.The knowing looks that Tony and Vito shared made it abundantly clear Alisa knew nothing about her son’s kinky inclinations.

Tony explained how he tried to shake the man following him, but by some divine intervention the dude got pulled over by the police.Or rather, a close friend of Vito’s who happened to be a copandhappened to be on the very same road.Right.I flashed Tony’s father a grateful smile.

From one of the numerous calls Tony received from James, we found out the guy tailing Tony had been hauled to jail.The police discovered he was in possession of fake documentation for five different aliases.

A short time later, James called again.Only this time Tony put him on speaker phone.

“The fire department is still trying to put the fire out at George’s house,” James began.“Homeland Security and FBI have joined in on the investigation.”

Police.FBI.Homeland Security.If they started prying into my past…I tensed.

“Why?Is that standard procedure or something?”Tony asked.

Even with the background noise echoing through the device, James exhaled a heavy, audible sigh.“Depends on the case, but since George was a State Supreme Court Justice and houses usually don’t blow up by themselves.”There was a long pause.“Fuck, you’re going to hear about it in the morning anyway…Look, they’ve pulled two bodies out of the house, but neither has been positively identified yet.”

My blood turned to ice, freezing the breath in my lungs.Bodies?

“Leagh, you should expect a visit from one or all three of the agencies involved.They’re going to want to ask you a ton of questions, I’m sure.”

It took several seconds before I could draw in a breath.“I didn’t have anything to do with the fire.I’m not involved in any of this.I don’t even know what the hell is going on.”

The pitch of my voice increased, keeping tempo with the panic rising inside me.Tony was quick to grab my hand.

“They know that, darlin’,’” James sympathized.“But, unfortunately, it does involve you.”

“How?”I blinked in confusion.

“The tow truck from the club was found a couple of blocks from here.There’s no sign of the driver.One of the bodies they pulled from the house was male.Seems a little too coincidental, but we’ll know later on tonight if it’s the same guy or not.”

I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel.On one hand, I was relieved the threat against me might be over if one of the bodies happened to be Hayden.But on the other, wishing death upon anyone was like sending an engraved invitation to karma asking her to come back and bite me in the ass.

“Fuck me.I need to go.They just brought out another body.If I don’t call you back tonight, I’ll come by in the morning,” James replied.

“Sure, man.See you then.”

With each piece of information received, I grew more anxious.Though Tony smothered me in reassurance, he also watched me like a hawk.He was assessing and cataloguing my reactions like a culture in a Petri dish.Once he got me alone, he’d want to peel back my layers and analyze every one of my jagged emotions.In a weird way, I hoped he would as I couldn’t even begin to sort out my mess of emotions alone.

Drake received a call from Mika to let him know the dogs didn’t find any explosives in the club.Although the news was comforting, guilt for putting the lives of my friends in jeopardy rode me hard.

It was close to one o’clock in the morning.The cinnamon rolls were gone, and both men’s phones had finally stopped ringing when Drake stood up.

“If you guys are good here, I’m going to head home and see Trevor,” he announced.

“Oh, you have a son?”Alisa asked with a smile.

Drake nodded with a slight smirk.“He’s my boy.”

I nearly choked.

“I loved having boys.They’re so much fun.How old is he?”Alisa asked.