Page 49 of Seize Me

“Not one bit, and you are not a cow.Why didn’t you call me earlier?I would have come over and hung out with you.”

“I didn’t want to be a bother.”

“Shut the front door, sister, or I’ll tell Tony you need a spanking,” Trevor teased.“Okay, we’ll be by to pick you up real soon.Byeeeeeee.”

Trevor hung up, and I grinned.Julianna was in labor.Soon, she’d know the joy of being a mother.Tears pricked my eyes as memories of my sweet little Nathan came flooding back.I shook them away and sucked in a deep breath.

“Hell, I’ve got to get dressed!”

Snagging the lone crutch next to my bed, I pressed the rubber tip into the carpet and swung my good leg from the mattress.Tucking the padded support beneath my arm, I slid my heavy casted leg off the bed.I’d made the move a hundred times, but as I stood, the crutch slipped out from under my arm, and I landed with a jarring thud onto the floor.

“Ahhhhh!”I screamed.Rolling to my right side, I tried to push myself into a seated position.The weight of both casts pinned me to the carpet like a bug.I squirmed like a naked turtle on its back, cursing a blue streak.

“Dahlia?Are you all right?”A man’s voice seeped through the dark wooden door.

“Yes.I think so.Maybe?Hell, I don’t know.Who’s out there?”I called back.

“It’s me, Stephen.What’s wrong?”

“I fell down, and I’m trying to get the hell up,” I grunted, trying to lever myself onto my good arm and leg to no avail.“Shit!”

“Hang on.Let me get a master key from the bar.”

I closed my eyes and huffed.“Great.Stephen’s going to come save your ass, then nark you out to Tony for trying to get dressed on your own.Dammit.He’ll have my ass for not waiting for Savannah and Trevor’s help.”

Seconds later, the door swung open.Both Stephen and Carnation rushed into the room.

“Oh hell… Are you all right?”Stephen asked, his deep voice thick with worry.

Carnation’s eyes grew wide, as well, before she started laughing.

“Shut up,” I hissed.“You think this is funny?Maybe you should give it a shot.”Anger bubbled in my veins.

“You laugh at her?”Stephen barked at his sub.“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Sliding an arm beneath my legs and the other beneath my arms, he gently lifted me from the floor.

“I’m sorry, Master, but she’s so pathetically obvious,” Carnation ridiculed, looking at me with a scowl.“Tell me, Dahlia, how long did you wait for some unsuspecting Dom to walk down the hall before you started screaming for help?”

“What?”I gasped.“Are you on crack?I didn’t scream for help.”

Stephen’s whole body tensed as he turned, slashing Carnation with an angry scowl.“Go to the bar and wait for me.I’ll deal with you shortly.”

“Are you kidding?”she screeched.“Don’t tell me you actually fell for her stupid act.Are you blind?First, she pretends to pass out in the hall, and now falling down, claiming she can’t get back up.Oh, and she just happened to be naked on top of it.She probably laid there for hours waiting for a man to come by that she could show off her tits.You can’t see the game she’s playing?Seriously?She’s nothing but an attention whore now that her old fart of a Master died.”

“Not another word,” Stephen thundered.

Pinning me with a seething glare, Carnation’s lips peeled back.“Don’t even think about sinking your claws into my Master, or I’ll bitch slap you into next week!”

“To the bar.Now!”Stephen roared.Veins protruded from his neck.His entire face turned crimson.

Rolling her eyes, Carnation stomped out of the room.

He exhaled a deep breath.“I’m sorry about that, Leagh.That girl has a laundry list of issues.I’ve tried to help her work them out, but I think she’s beyond redemption.”

“It’s okay, Sir.She’s never liked me, anyway,” I explained as Stephen seated me on the side of the bed.“I’m sorry I’ve inconvenienced you and caused trouble between you both.”

“Nonsense.You’re not an inconvenience.”Stephen shook his head.“How did you fall down in the first place?”His brows arched with dominant censure.I suddenly wondered if every Dom practiced such an intimidating look in the mirror until they got it right.