Page 50 of Seize Me

“Mika and Julianna are on their way to the hospital.She’s in labor.Trevor and Savannah are coming here to pick me up.We’re going to be there when the baby arrives, and I accidentally fell when I got out of bed to get dressed.I wanted to be ready so we could leave for the hospital right away.”

A huge grin lit his face, and his green eyes sparkled.He was handsome and urbane.

“That’s great news.I should head over there myself and lend Mika some moral support.He’s been a mess for weeks.I’ve never seen him so stressed.”I laughed in agreement before Stephen suddenly sobered.Scrubbing a hand through his thick, wheat colored hair, his lips tightened.“But first, let’s get you dressed.Where are your clothes?

I blinked up at him.“You don’t have to help me, Sir.I can wait for Trevor and Savannah.”

“Obviously, you can’t, or I wouldn’t have found you on the floor.Now, tell me what you want to wear and where to find it.”

It was pointless to argue with the man, especially when he was in full Dom mode.Pointing to the closet first, I directed him to the dresser next.Stephen plucked up the articles and returned to the bed.My wardrobe was limited to clothing that would fit over the ugly, thick casts.Grateful that Julianna had purchased a butt-load of stretchy, soft cotton sets from Soma.They were sold as loungewear, but their collections could easily pass for street clothes.

Swallowing my pride and embarrassment, I couldn’t help but flinch when Stephen cupped my breasts and tucked them into my bra before fastening the front clasp.Kneeling on the floor in front of me, he slid the thong up my legs.It bothered me when Tony dressed me, and with Stephen’s head virtually between my knees, the whole event pegged the needle on the humiliation scale.

Just as Stephen leaned in closer, the door swung open and in walked Tony.Stopping dead in his tracks, his eyes grew wide, his nostrils flared, and his mouth dropped open.


“Stephen?”Tony’s tone dripped with accusation.

“Tony!”Stephen exclaimed as he jerked his hands from my panties and bolted upright.“I was… Leagh took a bit of a fall.”

In the blink of an eye, the shock on Tony’s face turned to fury, and every ounce of it was directed straight toward me.“How did you fall out of bed?”

“I didn’t, Sir,” I whispered, regarding the discarded crutch, wishing I’d thought to hide the evidence of my stubbornness.

Tony’s gaze traveled the same path as mine, and without a word, he studied the placement of the walking aid.Then, like a raging bull, he charged the bed.

“Roll over,” he demanded.A fire of retribution blazed in his eyes.

“Why?”I asked, frantically glancing between him and Stephen.

“I said, roll over!”

“Ah, I think it’s time for me to leave,” Stephen replied with a hint of laughter.“I have a little punishment of my own to dispense.”

“Wait,” I cried to Stephen.“Tell him that you were just helping me get dressed and not...”

Stephen chuckled.“Tony knows I’d never lay a finger on another Dom’s sub.Besides, I don’t think he’s angry with me for trying to get you dressed.He’s obviously not happy that you fell getting out of bed and didn’t wait for help.”

“But I’m not his sub, I’m…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Tony shoved me onto my stomach, pinning my arms beneath my belly, before aligning a sharp, bare-handed slap across my ass.

“Your stubborn pigheadedness stops now!”Tony barked as he landed another stinging blow.“George may have allowed you to set your own limits, but I won’t tolerate it.Do you understand me?”

Pissed was an understatement for the both of us.Before I could string together a list of obscenities, the door opened again.Straining my neck, Savannah and Trevor stood in the portal.Identical expressions of shock were poised on their faces.An indignant growl rolled from the back of my throat.

“Whoa, damn,” Trevor cried.

“Yikes,” Savannah hissed.“Bad timing.Very bad.”

“Dammit, Tony!Stop,” I growled.Humiliation overrode the sting spreading through my flesh as I launched onto my back, sending a look of desperation toward my friends.“Don’t just stand there.Help me, you two!”

“Uhhh, well,” Savannah stuttered, her eyes still wide.“Don’t take this the wrong way, Tony, Sir, but…Hell no, Leagh.He’s the last Dom I’d want to piss off.”

“Everyone out!”Tony bellowed as he turned and pointed toward the door.

Stephen chuckled as he ushered Trevor and Savannah out of the room.