Page 29 of Seize Me

“Are you just saying that to me, or do you say that to all the girls?”

“What girls?”

“Your harem of pain sluts.When they get drunk, are you so chivalr…chirivlous…”


“Yeah, are you that with them?”

“I don’t have sex with subs from the club.”

Rising up, I gaped at him—both images of him—and blinked.“You’re bullshitting me, right?”

“No, I’m not.And stop cussing.”

“So, you whip ‘em and you take ‘em to your room, but you don’t fuck ‘em.Is that what you’re telling me?”

“Language,” Tony scolded.

I sighed.“In’ercourse.You don’t have intracourse with them?”

“No,” he chuckled again.“Why is that so surprising to you?”

“I thought BDSM was a bunch of kinky sex.”

“Oh, angel.You’ve got a lot to learn.”I frowned, and Tony laughed.“I enjoy the power exchange.It’s not about the sex for me.”

“So, who…you know, who cleans out your pipes?”

Tony laughed.“I have a friend with benefits, but we’re not in a relationship.”

“Oh.”Mulling his words over, I settled my head back down on his lap and closed my eyes.His erection felt as if it had grown even larger, and I wanted desperately to ease his zipper down and taste his rigid cock.Instead, we rode in silence with his fingers massaging my scalp as darkness pulled me under.

The next thing I knew, Tony was rousting me awake before he led me up the back stairs of the club.I couldn’t focus on much of anything, because the hall was spinning like a carnival ride.My stomach pitched, and my mouth watered.

“Hurry.I don’t feel so good,” I confessed.Tony looked down at me and cocked a brow.

“You’re turning green, Leagh.Keep that shit down until we get inside your room, or we’ll both be decorating the carpet,” he warned as he jammed the master key into the lock.

As soon as the door opened, I raced to the bathroom and fell to my knees in front of the toilet.Tony stepped behind me and gathered the hair from my face in his fist.I retched until there was nothing left, then slumped over the commode.I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.Limp and exhausted, I felt like the biggest idiot on the planet.

Spitting the acrid taste from my mouth, I rested my forehead in my palms.“You can go now.Show’s over,” I mumbled.

“Not on your life, angel,” Tony whispered as he lifted me from the floor and carried me to the edge of the bed.Once seated, he crouched low and removed my boots.“Do you want me to set the trash can next to the bed?”

“No,” I groaned as he tugged my sweater over my head and released my bra.

Lowering me onto the mattress, he removed my jeans.Staring down at me, Tony’s hungry gaze lingered on my hard nipples before burning a path down my belly, pausing at the hot pink thong covering my pussy.

“Fuck me,” he mumbled under his breath.He closed his eyes and shook his head, dragging himself from the trance.Yanking the covers over me with a heavy sigh, Tony stalked to the bathroom and returned with a large glass of water and three pain relievers.

“Take these and get some sleep,” he barked.

I frowned at his tone and the angry expression lining his face, but sat up and followed his instructions.The beginnings of a headache throbbed behind my eyes.

“I didn’t mean to piss you off.You didn’t have to come save me, you know?”

“I’m not pissed, Leagh,” he growled.“Someone has to keep a damn eye on you.Now, go to sleep,” he ordered as he turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.