Page 30 of Seize Me

“If you’re not pissed, I’m a freaking virgin,” I murmured before snuggling deep beneath the covers and closing my eyes.

Iwoke the next morning feeling as if a cotton factory had taken up residence inside my mouth.My head pounded with every beat of my heart, and even the soft light emanating from the bathroom had me squinting.Oh, it was going to be a banner day all right, but I had no one to blame for it but myself.Sitting up, my stomach swirled.I held my palm against my forehead and groaned.Sliding into a pair of fuzzy, pink slippers, I pulled on my robe, intending to head to the bar and get something to wash down the sand coating my tongue.

I dropped the room key into my pocket before stepping into the hallway.Glancing up and down the corridor, I was grateful no one was around.Making my way toward the bar, the sound of a door closing behind me caused me to pause and turn.Looking over my shoulder, I watched Master Stephen and his submissive, Carnation, share a soulful kiss near his private room.

As if sensing my presence, the Dom opened his eyes and raised his head.With a broad smile, Stephen turned and strode toward me, leaving Carnation alone.Startled, her mouth fell agape as she slung a hateful glare my way before hurrying to follow behind her Dom.

“Dahlia.”Addressing me by my club name, Stephen clutched me to his chest in a tight hug.When he pulled away, his green eyes sparkled as a smirk spread over his lips.“You don’t look so good this morning, Dahlia.Feeling a little hung over?”

“Ah, yes, Sir.How did you know?”I asked shyly, wondering if everyone at the club knew I’d tied one on the night before.

No doubt, Carnation would have everyone convinced I was a raging alcoholic before the damn doors even opened.Nearly every shred of gossip that floated through Genesis originated with Carnation.She had a nasty habit of judging and insulting her fellow subs, and unfortunately, I’d been on the receiving end of her callous remarks more than once.Her eyes narrowed, jealousy written all over her face.I tried to ignore her, as I often did, and focused on Stephen instead.

“Tony and I picked your car up from Maurizio’s after you’d gone to bed.”

“Oh,” I groaned.“I’m so sorry about that, Sir.Thank you for helping out with my car.I never meant to be a bother to you or Tony, Sir.”

“It was no trouble at all.I was more than happy to help out any way I can.You’re going through a difficult time.It will get better.Just take it one day at a time, okay?”

“I’ll do my best, Sir.Thank you,” I softly replied.

Stephen was a gentleman in every sense of the word, from his gentle smile to his understanding seafoam eyes.What the man saw in Carnation was beyond me.The girl was a self-absorbed trainwreck.

Sidling up against Stephen, Carnation flashed me a tight, condescending smile.“Master always helps out, even when it screws up our plans.We got here early last night to be the first to play on my favorite cross.”

Of course, she did.If Carnation wasn’t on display, she wasn’t happy.

“But Sir Tony asked for Master’s help, and by the time he got back, the equipment I wanted to scene on was in use.So, we had to play in our private room.At the end of our session, Master was so exhausted, he suggested we spend the night.Now I’m going to be late for work, but that’s how it goes.”

Accusation came through loud and clear.It wasmyfault she didn’t get her spank and tickle in front of an audience.Most subs tuned into the sensations their Dominants gave them during a scene, but not her.She’d twist and turn on the cross, scanning the crowd to see who was watching before she’d start to wiggle, moan, and scream as if auditioning for the lead role in a kink film.The bitch had player written all over her.Stephen needed to open his eyes…and quickly.

“I’m so sorry.I didn’t mean to inconvenience you, Master Stephen.”I directed my apology straight to his face, ignoring Carnation altogether.

“It wasn’t an inconvenience at all,” he replied with a wave of his hand.Turning an unhappy expression on Carnation, he scrubbed a hand through his thick golden hair.“You got your reward.Stop complaining.”

“Oh, I wasn’t complaining at all, Master.You took very good care of me,” Carnation replied in a sickening, sultry tone, fluttering her lashes in an attempt to look innocent.

Gag me.

“Of course, you weren’t,” Stephen replied with a sour expression.

“I just wanted to scene in the dungeon, Master.Is that a crime?”she asked, pawing at his dress shirt and all but humping his leg.

“Yes, I know you did.But you still haven’t grasped the concept that submission isn’t about getting your way.You need to stop topping from the bottom, my pet,” Stephen chastised.His expression conveyed his displeasure with her antics.

What she needs is a ball gag shoved in her big fat mouth, Stephen,I thought to myself as I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep from smiling.

“If there’s anything you need, Dahlia, please don’t hesitate to ask.”Stephen brimmed with such genuine kindness, I wondered why he kept a collar around Carnation’s neck.He outclassed her…in every way.The man deserved a submissive who represented him in a positive light.Someone far better suited for his sophistication and compassion than that wretched twit.

Shame washed over me for thinking such ugly thoughts.I had no right to judge their happiness.I’d been on the receiving end of the same unflattering sentiments I felt toward the two of them.My less than stellar reputation was the reason a few of the members outwardly questioned my commitment to the lifestyle.If they were happy with their relationship, I had no business criticizing it.

“Yes, Sir.I understand, and I appreciate your generous offer.”

“Master has a heart of gold for those who don’t take it for granted,” Carnation slammed with a sickening grin.

As if on cue, Tony shoved open the back door with his shoulder as he juggled a tray of Styrofoam cups in one hand and a white paper bag in the other.

Coffee!Now there’s a real Saint.