Page 72 of Seize Me

Drake hung up.His gaze darted back and forth from the road to the mirror, over and again.I kept my mouth shut so he could focus.

“That was Tony on the phone.James called him as we were leaving the club,” Drake began, his attention nervously bouncing from the road to the mirror.“When he and the detectives started to pull into George’s driveway, the damn house blew up.”

“Blew up?Oh my…How?What the hell happened?”I gasped.

“No clue.The fire department is on their way, but Tony wants you at his parent’s house.Now.”

“Okay,” I whispered, watching Drake cast his eyes back to the mirror.“Is someone following us?”

“No.I’m just making sure it stays that way,” he replied.Tension rolled off his big frame like lava.“Listen, Leagh.You need to start trusting him.Tony’s been in love with you for a long time.I know I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but it’s the truth.He’d lay down his life before he’d let anything happen to you, girl.”

Drake glanced my way.Compassion and concern glimmered in his gray eyes.It surprised me.From the first time I’d met the big scary Dom, I’d shied away from him.Even after Trevor and I became friends, I kept my distance.Julianna swore the man was nothing but a big teddy-bear, but I never believed her.Drake always looked like he was ready to rip off the head and shit down the neck of anyone who crossed him.Hearing such poignant words from his lips, I understood what Julianna had meant.

“I don’t know that I deserve him, Sir.”

He flashed me a crooked smile.“Bullshit.You’re exactly what he needs, girl.You’re all sass and attitude.I’ve watched Tony for years.Watched him grow bored whipping the same asses night after night.Ever since he started taking care of you, hell, he’s back to how he used to be…happy and full of life.You’ve done that for him, just like you did it for George.Problem is, you can’t see it.”

I didn’t see it.Didn’t understand how I could possibly have given anything to Tony.Nothing close to all the ways he’d supported me.

“Why are you telling me all this?”I asked.

Drake let out a heavy sigh.“Look, I made a lot of mistakes when I had Julianna under my care.But I learned a big lesson.Never keep your mouth shut if a sub needs help.”

“I appreciate your candidness, but Tony and I…we’re so—”

“Opposite?”Drake interrupted.

“Yes.”I nodded.

“Haven’t you ever heard the old saying, opposites attract?”

“Well, yeah, but…” I scoffed.“When it comes to the lifestyle, we’re not just from different planets…we’re from different solar systems.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t make it work.Give him a chance, Leagh.You’re not meant to be alone.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”I couldn’t mask my indignation.

Drake shot me a scowl.“It means you need a strong Master.Don’t get me wrong.I’m not criticizing George, so don’t take this the wrong way.But you spiral up and fly out of control like a damn top.You need someone with enough backbone to keep you in line.”

“I do not.I just don’t—”

“Please.I’ve watched you for years, too.”Drake pondered for a long moment.“Don’t buy into all that gossip that floats around at the club about you, girl.”

“Easy for you to say,” I groused.

“Shit.People have been talking trash about me for years.I’m the evil Dom.Or haven’t you heard?”

“Oh, I’ve heard,” I chuckled with a sly grin.“But you want them to think you’re a bad-ass.It gives you street cred.”

Drake laughed.“That it does, girl.It also helps Mika out.So, I don’t mind being viewed a prick.”

Turning down a quiet, residential street, he slowed, peering up at the house numbers.

“Well, it looks like the whole family came to welcome you,” Drake announced as he pulled to the curb in front of a large brick house in the middle of the block.His headlights illuminated a dozen broad-shouldered men ambling down the front steps toward the vehicle.

An older man made his way toward Drake’s side of the car.He had dark skin, hair, and eyes, and his facial structure looked like an older version of Tony.The other men, the younger ones, remained on the sidewalk.Standing shoulder to shoulder, they made an intimidating fortress.

“I hope for your sake you’re Drake,” the older man threatened as he leaned in, eyeing the big Dom.Slowly, he cast a gaze my direction, examining me with a curious expression.