Page 69 of Seize Me

“Fuck!”Tony growled.Extracting his fingers from my pussy, he licked my juices from them, then, with a frustrated sigh, he crawled off me.Tossing the bedspread over my quivering body, he stormed to the door and jerked it open.

“We have to evacuate the club,” Drake announced, his voice tight with tension.

“What?”I gasped.

“Why?”Tony asked.

“Bomb squad wants to remove the C-4 from Leagh’s car.Evidently, it’s a homemade device so they want us all out of here,” Drake explained with a sour expression.“Oh yeah, and the cops are bringing in dogs to sniff the club for explosives.”

“Shit,” Tony hissed.“Mika’s not going to like this.”

“No, he’s pissed as hell.He left Julianna and Tristan at the hospital and is on his way here now.”

Guilt sluiced through me.The whole entire mess was my fault.Deep down, I knew the C-4 had been intended for me.Mika and Genesis weren’t the target.My presence at the club had brought a shitload of danger down on my friends.Either Matt or Hayden wanted me dead, and neither had any qualms about taking out innocent people in the process.Fear and remorse slammed like an injection of adrenaline.And once again, the manic need to flee punched hard.

“Okay, let me help Leagh get dressed, and we’ll go to my place,” Tony announced to Drake.

“No!”I cried.

Tony spun toward me confusion wrinkling his forehead.

“I’ve got what you asked for, Daddy,” Trevor announced as he squeezed past Drake and entered the room.His blue eyes were brimmed with fear as a stack of dark-colored clothing trembled in his hands.

“What’s this for?”Tony asked, looking at the young man.

“We need to get Leagh out of here.If someone’s watching for her outside, it would be best if she wore a disguise,” Drake replied with calm reassurance I couldn’t relate to.

Nausea swirled in my stomach, and I forced down the saliva pooling in my mouth.Was someone planning on putting a bullet in my head once I stepped out the door?How was I going to get out of the club unnoticed wearing pounds of plaster?Clothes alone wouldn’t be enough to disguise my broken limbs.

“Son of a bitch,” Tony murmured.With a snap of his head, he looked over his shoulder at me.“Put them on.I refuse to take any chances with you, Leagh.”

“Okay,” I whispered with a nod.

“If we dress her like a man and get her out of here,” Drake explained to Tony.“I’ll take her to my place and meet up with you there.”

“Why your place?”Tony asked.

“She can’t go to your house, man.Obviously, someone’s been watching her.They know she’s here…knew her car.They’ve probably seen you two together.If they’ve done their homework, they damn well know whereyoulive.”

The more Drake expounded, the heavier my heart sank.It wasn’t just my friends at the club that I’d put in danger.I’d painted a big, fat bullseye on Tony’s back.

“I know someplace she’ll be safe,” he assured Drake.“We’ll meet up at your place, and I’ll take her from there.Let’s do this.”

“Wait!”I cried out.“Where do you plan on taking me after Drake’s?”

“To my parent’s house.”

“No way,” I snapped.“You’re crazy if you think I’m putting your family in the middle of my shit.”

“Stop, Leagh,” Tony instructed with a sympathetic smile.“This isn’t up for discussion.Besides, there’s no place on the planet safer.Trust me.”

“Come on, sis, don’t fight him,” Trevor begged as he plopped down next to me.His pale face seemed even whiter.“If Tony says you’ll be safe there, you can bet your ass you will be.Please go to his folk’s house for me?”

“Evidently I don’t have another choice, do I?”I asked, glaring at Tony.

With a challenging smirk, Tony edged in closer.“No.You don’t.”

“Trevor, help Tony,” Drake directed.“I need to get the dungeon cleared.”