Page 70 of Seize Me

As soon as Drake left, Trevor laid out the clothing on the bed.

“Come on.Let’s get these on you,” Trevor cajoled.Flashing an impish grin, he winked.“I’ll finally get to make a man out of you, sister.”

His attempt at humor did nothing to erase the aura of anxiety rolling off him.As my mind raced, Tony and Trevor stripped me down and dressed me up.After pulling a dark hoodie over my head, they tucked my hair up under a ball cap.

Every time I opened my mouth to speak, Tony shushed me with a censuring glower.Sitting on the bed, I watched Trevor run out the door to find Drake.Determined to get some answers, I narrowed my eyes at Tony.

“Would you please explain to mewhyyou think I’ll be safe at your parents?”

“Sweetheart, I don’tthinkyou’ll be safe.Iknowyou will.”

Tony’s vague answer only pissed me off more.“And how are you so sure?Wait, the more important question iswhywould you put your family in jeopardy because of me?”

A sly grin tugged one side of his mouth.“They’re not going to be in any danger, and it’s quite obvious youstilldon’t trust me.Don’t go taking back your control now, just because things are getting dicey.”

“Dicey?You call this dicey?You’re out of your mind.This is life and death, Tony.Mine, yours, and your family’s.I do trust you, and I’m not taking back my control.I just want some damn answers.”The smile on his face grew wider.“I don’t find the least bit of humor in any of this.”

I was shocked by his total lack of concern for the family I knew he loved so much.

“You’re not listening to me, angel.”He frowned.“My family is going to be perfectly safe.They have…connections.I can guarantee my dad has the ability to find out faster than the cops if someone is truly trying to kill you.”

“Your dad?What?Is he in the mafia or something?”I choked in alarm.

Tony’s eyes grew wide.“Oh, so since I’m Italian, you automatically jump to the conclusion that my family is in the mafia.Stereotype much?”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”I pouted.

“You watch too many damn movies.”

“You just said your family had connections.What the hell am I supposed to think?”

“Theydohave connections, but that doesn’t mean they’re involved in the mafia.”

“Will you stop beating around the bush and just say whatever it is you’re trying to say?With all that’s going on around here, I’m not capable of playing these mind games.I’m scared half to death.And every second I stay in this room, I’m putting the people I love in danger.”

I dropped my head and cradled my forehead in my palm.Tears began to swell.I closed my eyes.I was sick of crying, yet I couldn’t stop the fat drops from spilling down my cheeks.

The bed dipped, and Tony wrapped me in his arms.His decadent heat seeped into my bones, while his intoxicating scent filled my nostrils.The reassuring strength he provided called to the scared child in me, like a searchlight through heavy fog.Melting against him, I clutched his rugged chest, holding on for dear life, and sobbed.

“Leagh, don’t cry.I don’t want you torturing yourself,” he softly laughed “That’s my job.Look, everything’s going to be okay.I promise.”

Oh, how I ached to believe him, ached for it more than anything in the world.

“First things first.I need you to stay calm, so we can get you out of here.Okay?”

“Don’t make me go with Drake.I want to stay with you,” I sniffed as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

“I’ll be five minutes behind you, sweetheart.I trust Drake with my life, and I trust him with yours.Think of this as just another step on the road of your submission.Let me take all the worry and fear out of your hands.You know I’d never let anything happen to you.”

“You make it sound like it should be easy,” I protested.

“It is.If you let it be.”Tony eased back, tilting my chin up with his fingertips.His gaze suffused with understanding, he feathered a kiss over my lips.“It’s foreign and scary, and you feel like you’re free falling without a net.But don’t think for one second I’ll ever let you fall.I’ll always be there to catch you, Leagh.I promise.”

The surety reflecting in his eyes made it impossible for me not to believe him.


“I’ll do my best.”