Page 54 of Seize Me

“Mika wanted to know if you and Leagh could come back first.He has a favor to ask you,” Emile announced, looking at Tony.


Before I could blink, Tony leapt from his chair and wheeled me toward the double doors.

“We won’t stay long,” I promised our anxious friends as Tony sped me away.

Tristan was as beautiful and as precious as Sarah had boasted.Julianna looked exhausted, but she glowed with that new mother joy, and Mika was nearly bursting with pride.

“Do you want to hold him?”the proud daddy asked Tony.

“Who?Me?”The color drained from his face.“No, man.I’ll break him or something.”

I laughed and shook my head.“I’d love to hold him, if that’s okay, Sir.”

“Of course, Leagh,” Julianna smiled.“He doesn’t feel nearly as heavy now as he did inside my belly.”

I giggled as Mika arranged the little bundle into the crook of my arm.Tony crouched beside me.A sparkle of wonderment flickered in his dark eyes as he stared at the tiny baby.

“Can you help me support his little butt?”I asked, trying to take down the fear factor Tristan spiked in Tony.I felt him reach beneath the baby and softly begin to rub his back.

“Oh, wow.He’s so small,” Tony marveled.

“He’s so beautiful,” I cooed, leaning in close to inhale the sweet scent of baby lotion.

Holding the little boy, memories came flooding back.A whirlpool of emotion threatened to pull me under.His perfect round face and dark lashes resting on his cheeks reminded me of my Nathan.No mourning allowed.Those days are done.The gentle mental prod, coupled with the tuft of dark, curly hair on Tristan’s head, kept me from spiraling into the murky depths of sadness.But it didn’t stop the tears from spilling past my eyes.

“That’s exactly what happened when I looked at him,” Julianna sniffed.“He’s so…beautiful.”

“He’s more than that,” Tony whispered.“He’s a precious gift from God.”

Nuzzling Tristan close to my face one last time, I sucked in a shaky breath and smiled.With a tiny nod, Mika lifted him from my arms.

“I should have these stupid casts off in about two more weeks if you need a babysitter.”

“We’ll take you up on that,” Mika grinned as he settled Tristan back in Julianna’s arms.“By then, we should have the green light to try for another.”

A low growl rumbled in Julianna’s throat as she sliced Mika with an evil glare.“Not likely, Sir.Your toy box is off-limits for at least six weeks.”

“Six weeks?”Mika choked.Seconds later, a wicked grin curled his mouth.“That’s okay.We can improvise.”

“And on that note,” Tony laughed, “we should head out so the others can come back.”Bending to give Julianna a kiss, he smiled.“You did damn good, momma.”

Mika looked down on his family; joy, pride, contentment, and love swam in his eyes.My heart warmed with happiness for both him and Julianna.

“Don’t worry about a thing at the club,” Tony assured.“I’ll snag James, and we’ll appoint some DMs until Drake makes it in.”

“Thanks, man.I was going to ask if you might handle that for me.”

“I’d be happy to.Give me a shout if you need anything else,” Tony offered as the two men hugged, slapping each other in manly fashion.“Congratulations, bro, or should I say Dad?Tristan’s an awesome little dude.”

“Yeah, he is at that.”Mika beamed.

The minute we returned to the waiting room, Drake and Trevor bolted past us impatiently.After saying our goodbyes, Tony and I headed back to the club.Our conversation was light, focused mostly on the new baby.I worried that since I’d opened the door to my past, Tony would take the opportunity to shove a shoulder against the thing and splinter it to smithereens.But, thankfully, he didn’t.

Swinging by a fast food drive-thru, we grabbed some burgers before hurrying back to my room.Tony wolfed his dinner down, and I sat nibbling on mine, watching him get ready.When he peeled off his dress shirt and donned the requisite black,Genesis SecurityT-shirt, I couldn’t keep my gaze from his rippling muscles.My mouth watered, and I wanted to moan.My attraction to the man had grown at a steady pace, but over the past few days, it seemed to have taken off like a rocket ship.The nights were becoming more frustrating, and I found myself lying awake with a constant burning ache as I listened to him snore.Fighting the urge, more than once, to wiggle my way beneath the covers and wake him with my mouth.I was unsure how much longer I could behave.

As if sensing my stare, Tony turned and flashed a seductive smile.The eager arousal in his eyes dismantled my control.Setting my burger aside, I met his carnal stare with a seductive gaze of my own.It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull.Tony ate up the distance between us in three long strides.Cupping my chin, he forced my eyes to meet his while the muscles in his jaw ticked.