Page 53 of Seize Me

“We’ll be out to give you an update as soon as we find out what’s going on.”Emile smiled as Drake ushered the pair through a set of double doors.

A half hour later, Sarah rushed back into the room.

“It’s a boy!”she exclaimed on a breathless sigh.“Tristan Emile LaBrache has arrived.He’s chubby and pink and, oh my!He’s just perfect.The little slugger tipped the scales at eight pounds, six ounces, and has a set of lungs that rival Emile’s most thunderous orders.”

She giggled as tears filled her shimmering blue eyes.A roar of cheers erupted through the waiting room, and Trevor wiped a tear as it slid down his cheek.

“Is Julianna okay?”Drake asked expectantly.

Anything concerning Julianna turned the big Daddy Dom into a giant marshmallow.Before she and Mika had found one another and fallen in love, Drake had been her protector.

“Yes, Sir,” Sarah assured.“She did wonderfully.Neither she nor Mika can stop grinning through their tears of joy.I can’t begin to explain the wonder of it all, watching that little boy come into the world…well…it was like I just witnessed a miracle.”

“Thank heavens,” Drake replied on a mighty exhale.His broad shoulders slumped with relief.

Sarah swiped away her happy tears.“As soon as mom and baby are cleaned up, they’ll let you go back, a few at a time, to meet Tristan.”Sarah beamed as she hurried out of the room once again.

“They have a boy,” I sighed wistfully.

Tony squeezed my hand and drew it to his lips.“I’m sorry you lost Nathan.”

Leaning to the side, I rested my head on his shoulder.“So am I.He would have been nine years old now.”

“Nine?”Tony asked in a shocked whisper.

“Yes, I got pregnant when I was seventeen, and no…he wasn’t planned,” I explained with a weak smile.

“And the father?”

A wave of dread swamped me.Peeking up at Tony, I shook my head.“I paid a terrible price getting involved with Nathan’s father.And while I’ll probably always feel regret, surviving all that came from it changed me.I don’t want to talk about that today.It’s a day for happiness, Tony.Can we leave it alone for now?”

“Every day should be a happy day for you, sweetheart.”

Lifting my head, I boldly gazed into his eyes.“Every day I spend with you…is.”

That broad smile of his, the one that melted me every time, blossomed over his mouth.Sliding his hand into my hair, Tony drew me in close.The intensity of his kiss spoke volumes, far more than words could convey.I tasted his passion and adoration.And for the first time, there was no guilt over George or fear I was making another stupid mistake, just an overwhelming rightness I couldn’t deny.

Sinking deeper into his kiss, my lips parted in welcome.Needing and wanting, I accepted his tongue.And he explored each soft crevice of my mouth as I drowned in his heady scent, his intoxicating taste.And his persuasive demand.The world around us ceased to exist.Fire spread from deep in my womb, stretching out through my limbs, and I whimpered as Tony slowly eased away.

“Leagh,” he murmured in a deep and ragged timbre.

Lifting my right hand, I tangled my fingers in his shirt as I stared at his wet, swollen lips.Tony leaned in again.The soft stroke of his tongue along the seam of my lips—his question silent but demanding—did I want more?Want his passion and control, his pleasure and guidance, his power and contentment?Little did he know, I’d lost the battle to resist him.Tony had crawled inside my soul deeper and more thoroughly than any man had before.Touching me on such a primal level, I couldn’t turn back now if I wanted to.And heaven help me, I didn’t want to.

On a ragged moan, I surrendered to his kiss.Opened and gave him the power to strip my defenses.Seize my vulnerabilities.And claim my wounded soul.

“Ah-hemm,” The comedic sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted our heated kiss.

Tony hesitantly pulled away, and as his focus settled past the top of my head, one side of his erotic mouth curled in a smile.Twisting in the wheelchair, I spied Mika’s father standing behind me.

“You two keep that up, and I predict you’ll be back here in nine months,” Emile laughed as he leaned in and slapped Tony on the back.

Tony snorted.“I think Tristan would love a little brother or sister, but you might check with Mika and Julianna to see if they’re up for it that soon.”

“Smart ass, I was talking about you and Leagh,” Emile chuckled with a shake of his head.

“Yeah, I don’t think Mika’s ready to re-live these last couple months anytime soon,” Nick chortled.

“Hell, I doubtwecould survive dealing with him like that again,” Drake drawled with a huge grin.