Page 37 of Captive Princess

The six men whimpered.

“You were supposed to guard her,” Callum bellowed. “How could you leave her all by herself during the blasts? That’s when she needed you most!”

“We wanted to check the threat,” one of the men said meekly. “Miss Baldwin wasn’t supposed to come out of the room.”

Callum grabbed the man’s head and punched him in the teeth. “I’ll kill you for this. Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to keep her all to myself these past years? She hates me but I never loosen my hold on her. This was supposed to beourwedding day? Do you understand that, motherfucker? You lost me my sister! My wife!”

My eyes widened.

Callum wanted Lucia to be his wife? Did I hear him right?

Picking up a baseball bat, Callum started hitting the men at random.

Terrified screams rose from inside the room, assaulting my ears.

“You’re not walking out of here until I find her,” Callum bellowed, hitting the poor men who’d been recruited as Lucia’s guards. “Tell me where she is. Who’s taken her? She can only be mine. Mine! I’m the only one who can touch her. I’m the only one who has the right to be inside her.”

Fuck!I cursed internally. Callum Baldwin was truly crazy. His obsession with his sister had turned into something disgusting and vile.

There was no doubt in my mind anymore. The scene I just witnessed was enough for me to understand the dynamic between Callum and Lucia. They were siblings, children from the same parents.

Was the marriage to Freddy Stone just a pretense for them to get their own happy ending? The gay bastard would get his inheritance for marrying a woman while the Baldwin siblings could continue keeping their sick relationship a secret.

My stomach churned. It was sickening to imagineourangel being intimate with a monster like Callum Baldwin. What would my brothers think of this revelation?

I thought of Mikhail and how he was addicted to her after a single taste of her lips. He was going to have his heart broken if there was truly such a vile relationship between Lucia and her brother.

I have to find the truth, I decided, stepping away and hurrying out of the hallway.Even if I have to make her scream and bleed, Lucia will have to tell me the truth about her relationship with her brother.



Apart from the bottle of water, Mikhail left me a dress and a bag of food which turned out to be a single hamburger and some fries.

I ate the burger and drank half the bottle of water before putting on the dress. It was impossible to know the color and features but the fabric felt light and comfortable. The sleeves were short and the hem fell below my knees.

While the dress covered me up, it didn’t provide much warmth.

With nothing else to do, I curled up on the floor and let my exhaustion take over.

Even though I kept my eyes closed, it was difficult to escape into slumber. The cold and hard floor was uncomfortable, making me twist and turn to find a good position to sleep. An unavoidable feeling of being watched also kept me from relaxing.

Nightmares plagued me when sleep finally came to me. They were always about bomb blasts, gunfire, and being attacked by men with monstrous faces.

I must’ve slipped into a doze sometime during the night because a sudden noise jerked me awake. Curled up on the floor, I listened intently to the sound of approaching boots.

Turning in the direction of the noise, I saw light flooding through the door on top of the staircase. A tall man was silhouetted against it and fast descending the stairs.

I pushed myself to sit up, the movement sending sharp spikes of pain through my body. Resting on the hard ground hadn’t helped with the soreness in my muscles.

“Wakey, wakey, Princess,” said an eerily cheerful tone.

Leon, my mind whispered, recognizing his voice at once.

Coming to stand before me, he stared down at me. “It’s time to get you out of here.”

“Really?” I breathed.