Page 36 of Captive Princess

It was close to 2 AM now. The uptown streets were deserted, making it easy for me to creep among the shadows as I headed toward Lucia’s home.

Being able to move undetected in the dead of night was my specialty. This was the reason they called me a shadow. Yakim chose me for my ability to get this job done.

Reaching Lucia’s home, I skirted around the wall fencing the luxurious villa. Big mansions like these usually had different entrances for guests and servants.

Having been here several times previously, I knew the exact spot where there was a small, unguarded wire gate. It was mostly used by the gardener to cart away weeds and rubbish and was usually ignored.

As usual, no one was guarding it tonight. Easily pushing it open, I entered the grounds of the mansion.

Having spent over three years living here, me and my brothers figured out all the ways we could enter the house without anyone noticing us. We even learned our way around the heating and ventilation vents running across the mansion.

It wouldn’t be a brag to say that we knew more about Baldwin Mansion than the family residing in it.

There were nights I sneaked inside to keep a watch over the occupants and keep a tab on what they were up to. At least, that’s the excuse I gave Yakim.

Most nights, I just came to watch Lucia sleep. There was no need to even squeeze through vents and ducts to reach her.

Lucia’s bedroom window had a long, winding thunbergia bush growing around it. She probably enjoyed the trumpet-shaped violet blossoms and left them growing on the outer wall.

I was able to scale the wall by using the thick, sturdy branches of the tree to reach the outer ledge of her window. It was a comfortable perch from where I could watch her sleep without any interference.

I hated her for betraying me and my brothers but something kept drawing me to her. It was dangerous to lurk around her but I was a moth and she was my flame. Even though she could burn me again, I couldn’t stay away.

She’s all mine now.The thought flashed across my mind, making me grin broadly.

There was no need for me to venture into her bedroom today.

Tonight, my mission was to drop the envelope with all our sinful photographs on Callum’s office desk and leave without being detected.

The house was quiet at this hour, giving me the freedom to creep around the hallways. Hurrying forward, I reached the vast room on the third floor which was used by Callum as a residential office.

I opened the door quietly and slipped in.

The room looked the same as always but something seemed off. Placing the envelope on Callum’s desk, I took in the space slowly, wondering why my senses were triggered.

My gaze fixed on the spot where the mantle and fireplace were situated. There was a dark, hollow place right underneath the mantle. Looking closely, I realized the grate was missing from its usual place.

The dimly lit room concealed the spot very well. Walking closer, I leaned under the mantel and found a wide opening there.

A secret entrance?I questioned myself, slowly creeping under the mantle to check it out.

A hallway stretched before me. Stepping forward, I noted how the ceiling was tall enough for me to walk straight.

So, Callum Baldwin had a secret room in this mansion.Interesting.

This was brand new information for me. Taking precaution, I proceeded down the corridor.

A smaller room opened up at the end of the hallway. Staying concealed behind the wall, I peered inside.

Surprise flickered through me as I looked at an unexpected and disturbing sight. The room appeared to be a torture chamber.

Six men hung from chains that were suspended from the ceiling. They were completely naked. Their torsos bore marks and bruises but that wasn’t the most disturbing thing about them.

They were all missing their dicks and balls.

I was about to take a closer look when Callum Baldwin appeared in my view, making me step back to conceal myself in the shadows of the hallway.

“It’s been over twelve hours since she was taken!” Callum said in an enraged voice. “Tell me where the fuck she is!”