As soon as I realized Irene wasn’t at my side, I sat up and looked around my bedroom.
Where’d she go?I thought, panic flaring deep inside me.
Throwing my blanket away, I checked the bathroom.
“Irene?” I called out but there was no answer.
Putting on a gown, I walked out of my room, not even allowing myself to think about the consequences of losing the precious child.
“Irene? Honey?” I called out loudly. My bare feet walked down the long hallway, my voice rising steadily. “Where are you, sweetie?”
There was no answer.
Reaching the staircase, I almost crashed with our elderly valet, Hubert.
Saying a quick apology, I ran past him, climbing down the stairs and calling for Irene loudly.
“She’s not here, Miss,” Hubert’s thin voice reached my ears.
I halted, whirling around to face him.
“She’s not here,” he repeated as I stared at him. “The little miss woke up early and has been wandering all over the house. The young masters have taken her outside to play.”
“What are you talking about? Where is she?”
“I can show you the way if you want.”
I gave a pleading nod. “Please, Hubert.”
He walked down the stairs, taking me to a different part of the house.
Chaos reigned in my mind as I helplessly followed him to the open doors of an outer courtyard.
Shrieks of laughter reached my ears long before we reached the threshold.That’s Irene, I thought with relief, running past Hubert to take a look outside.
Irene was perched on Corey’s shoulder as he ran around the courtyard, pursuing Noah who was aiming for a basketball net in the far corner. Caleb jumped under the net, keeping his focused gaze on them.
Corey jumped, slapping the ball out of Noah’s hand.
“Yes!” Irene shrieked. “Get the ball! Get the ball!”
Irene’s feet never touched the ground as Corey grabbed the ball with one hand and aimed it at the net.
Noah and Caleb gave him a wide berth to throw the ball.
Irene grabbed onto Corey’s neck as he made a perfect throw, the ball going through the hoop and bounding on the court.
Irene’s loud, excited cheers filled the air as the three Amhurst brothers grinned at each other broadly. I’d never seen them being at such ease and smiling so brightly.
They almost looked like different people.
“Who knew our little guest could bring them so much happiness,” Hubert said in a choked voice. “My young masters haven’t smiled like this in years.” Turning toward me, he asked, “Who is she?”
“She’s a colleague’s niece,” I replied, suppressing the whole truth from him. “Her uncle will come to collect her later. Until then, I’m taking care of her.” A smile curved my lips as relief rushed through me. “Thanks so much for bringing me here, Hubert. I thought I lost her.”
The old man smiled. “Not a problem, Miss. I’ll get going, then. They’ll all be wanting breakfast soon.”