“That’s our girl,” Corey cheered and raised his hand in a high-five.
She slapped his large hand with her tiny one.
My phone started ringing again.
“It’s Civella,” I said, answering their inquisitive stares. “I’ll be right back.”
I moved away from them so I could speak without any interruption.
“I’m sorry about my earlier outburst,” Nick spoke in a calmer tone. “I can tell Irene’s safe with you. She’s never been so disinterested in seeing me before. Can you tell me what happened and how she ended up with you?”
“I don’t know the whole story, Mr. Civella. Caleb and I found her in the woods off the expressway on our way to New York City. From what she told us, someone did kidnap her. Her nanny’s hurt or worse. The men who kidnapped her are both dead, all thanks to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You gave her a knife and taught her how to use it.”
“She killed them?” Nick’s voice was thick with disbelief.
“Yep. She stabbed them both in the neck from behind. I don’t think they expected her to do that. The car went off the road and hit a tree further into the woods. Irene hurt her head but otherwise, she seems fine.”
Civella was quiet for a while, probably absorbing the fact that his seven-year-old niece made her first kill.
“You picked her up and brought her home with you?” he asked in a gentler voice.
“Yeah,” I replied. “I gave her a bath and cleaned her up. She’s had spaghetti with hot dogs for dinner and already looks quite sleepy. The whole day was a horrible ordeal for her. I think she’s ready to call it a day.”
A long exhale sounded on the other side of the call.
“Is it okay if she spends the night at your house, Miss Azalea?”
Miss Azalea? Only a moment ago, he was calling me a bitch.
Suppressing a sigh, I answered him. “Yeah. You can come over in the afternoon to pick her up, although I wouldn’t mind it if she stayed with us longer.”
A chuckle escaped him. “I didn’t think you and your partners were the types to enjoy a child’s company.”
“We didn’t think that either,” I said, glancing toward the corner where Irene was laughing and bounding on Noah’s lap. “I want to keep her with us longer.”
“I’ll come over to pick her up tomorrow,” said Civella. “I’m glad you didn’t call the police. The whole matter would’ve become even more complicated with them involved in the incident. It’ll take the night to make sure the car and the bodies are cleared away from the scene.”
“I understand. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
With that, I switched off the call and went over to Irene and the others. They all seemed to be having a great time going through the toys they bought for her.
Irene slipped off Noah’s lap and started singing a song in a loud, sweet voice.
I met Noah, Corey, and Caleb’s gazes and smiled as we enjoyed her sweet, lisping voice.
Keeping my eyes closed, I felt for the small, warm body at my side. Disappointment flooded me as my hand came away empty.
My sleep faded away, making me open my eyes.