Page 51 of Bedroom King

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The last thingI wanted or needed was to get onto Isabella’s parents’ bad side. Isabella was doing a good enough job on her own. I chose a relatively conservative outfit that day. Her father seemed to be a powerful man, and who knows if he had the ability to ruin my future football career. I wanted nothing to do with them, but I didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter.

One of the few things that Isabella and I had in common was money. My parents and her parents had given us a life of luxury, where we never wanted for anything. But one key difference was how our families lived. Isabella’s family was conservative and reserved, as evidenced by the way they dressed and the places they dined. For example, the country club where we had brunch. Whereas my family preferred Irish pubs and sports bars.

The hostess sat us down at an overly large, circular table for eight. It was a stark contrast to the dark, wooden booths I was used to eating in back home. Or the counter back at Lenny’s in Fort Wayne, where I could actually pronounce the food dishes on the menu.

I was already feeling uncomfortable with what was about to happen. “How many people are joining us, babe?”

“Just my parents,” she said, her voice cracking with nerves.

They arrived a few minutes later, taking a seat across from us. They were cold in their demeanor, hardly uttering a word as they stared blankly at the menus in front of them. Apparently, Isabella’s mother and father needed an obtrusive floral arrangement between themselves, their daughter, and her new boyfriend.

Unable to take the awkward tension, I finally spoke up. “Mr. and Mrs. Dayton, it’s nice to see you again.”

Isabella’s father nodded before closing his menu. “We were deeply disappointed that you two didn’t stay longer yesterday.”

Isabella nervously sipped her orange juice. “At least we showed up.”

Her father didn’t appreciate her attitude one bit, narrowing his eyes on her before turning his attention to me. “So, Blade. I hear you’re quite the football player at Exley.”

“Well, yes, sir, I suppose I am. I’m hoping to go pro after graduation next May.”

Isabella’s mother chugged the rest of her cocktail and held it out for a refill.

“Our family isn’t too keen on football,” she hissed. “We prefer more refined sports, such as dressage.”

Somehow I couldn’t picture Isabella riding a horse with a riding crop, directing it to jump over hurdles. The thought of such a scene almost forced a smile out of me. “Can’t say that I’ve ever gotten on top of a horse, Mrs. Dayton.”

“I have,” Isabella groaned.

“You used to be quite good at it too,” her mother said. “Remember when you won your first competition?”

Her father looked right at me. “That’s when she was first introduced to her ex-fiance, Jason. Isn’t that right, Isabella?”

“We were never engaged, Dad.”

“Regardless,” he said. “So, Blade. You think you’ll be a professional football player?”

“Yes, sir. In fact, my coach has been in contact with recruiters from the national leagues.”

I was getting tired of saying, yes sir. My feet were miles ahead of my brain, ready to get the hell out of there. Having brunch with Isabella’s parents was akin to being interviewed at Exley repeatedly, with the silent, judgmental stares and awkward moments of silence. Even Isabella looked ready to say, fuck it and bolt out of that hotel, never to see her parents again.

That wouldn’t happen anytime soon, though.

“What did you have to tell me, Dad?”

“Before we get to that,” he said, “you should know that Jason will be graduating early from college and joining his father at Frost Technology in January.”

Isabella couldn’t have cared less. “Okay, and why are you telling me this?”

“No reason,” he said. “Except that Frost Technology is set to become a billion-dollar company by the end of next year.”

I’d had enough. “Do you have money invested with them or something, Mr. Dayton? Am I missing something?”

“That’s none of your business, son. You’re lucky I’m even letting you sit here with our daughter this morning.”
