Page 50 of Bedroom King


Isabellaand I ditched the charity event within an hour of showing up. She was unable to keep her hands off me in the elevator of the hotel. I didn’t think I could go again after the way she sucked me dry in the closet downstairs. She had the softest, most delectable lips I’d ever felt. When the elevator doors opened on the third floor, I knew neither of us would get much sleep.

We hurried into the hotel room, our clothes pooled across the floor on the way to the bed. We spent the next eight hours screwing like rabbits, only taking short breaks to answer the door for room service. It wasn’t the best food in the world, but it sufficed to keep our energy levels up.

And then she fell asleep, sprawled out next to me. As she lightly snored in the early evening hours, I knew there was no going back to my bachelor days. Eventually, the rumors would swirl that I’d been her date to an event in Westfield and then spent the weekend holed up in a hotel room. Photos of us would undoubtedly surface online.

I fell asleep knowing that The Bedroom King was officially retired.

When I awoke the next morning, I quickly realized that I was running my hands through her soft, blonde hair. She slowly awoke, stirring at first and then opening her eyes.

“Fuck, that sunshine is bright. What time is it?”

I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Almost eleven o’clock. Your phone has been going off for the past fifteen minutes, by the way.”

Isabella groaned as she shifted into the crook of my arm, nestling her head on my chest as she tried falling back asleep. I guess she needed her beauty sleep, not that I minded. I loved watching her. It was only recently that I got to see her in the early morning light for the first time, not including the first night when I had stayed in her room to keep an eye on her.

She was the only girl that I wasn’t in a rush to get out of my bed first thing in the morning. I continued to stroke her hair in long strokes, and she seemed to purr underneath the weight of my touch. With her eyes still closed, she reached for my nipple and began circling it. It hardened easily before she placed her wet lips over them and lapped her tongue over it.

“Careful, babe,” I said. “You know that’s my sensitive spot.”

She giggled as she moved her hands further down my stomach, playing with my chiseled abs. My cock crew harder. The sound of another incoming text message was too much for her, though, as she climbed over me to reach her cell phone.

“That’s probably Emily,” she said before plopping back down in bed. “I’d ignore it, but she worries about me too much.”

I sighed, slightly irritated that our sexy time was interrupted but I also understood. Being with Isabella opened my eyes to the subtle differences between men and women. Women looked out for each other. Even in the midst of a hotel getaway, she still wanted to be available to her friends whereas men could go for hours, if not longer, without checking in with their friends.

As Isabella replied back to her best friend, I decided to pull myself together. We had a two o’clock checkout, and my manhood was standing at attention. I’d prefer taking care of it with Isabella, but the poor girl could barely keep her eyes open long enough to text Emily back.

No sooner had I attempted to take care of my erection than Isabella pulled back the shower curtain. “My parents want to take us out to brunch.”

I stared at her through beads of water streaming down my face as my erection went limp. The mention of her parents was the fastest way to assure my loss of a sexual appetite. I rinsed the soap from my eyes and squinted. “You told them no, right?”

The look on Isabella’s face said it all. “At first, I did, but they have something important to tell me. I’m sorry.”

I lathered a glob of shampoo into my hair, wondering what the hell I was supposed to say as her boyfriend. It’s not like I could tell her to tell her own parents to fuck off. Though, that’s exactly what I wanted to say. If she were anyone else, if she was nothing more than a hookup, that’s exactly what I’d say. This was my first official relationship, but somehow I didn’t think it’d be right to have her go to brunch alone.

I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, wincing as some got in my eyes. “Well, can’t they text it to you? I thought you were done with them, babe.”

“It has something to do with an inheritance. Look, normally, I’d tell my parents to fuck off, but I’d be stupid to turn down money.”

I was all too familiar with inheritance money. My family had their will secured years ago, and I stood to inherit a large sum. More than I could ever spend in a lifetime.

“I’m sure there will be strings attached,” I said, trying to warn her.

Isabella shrugged, her sweet innocence rearing its ugly head. The side of her that viewed the world through rose-colored lenses. “Maybe there won’t be, though.”

“These are the same people who cut you off the second you broke up with Jason. You and I know there will be strings attached. Is that a road you really want to go down?”

She combed her hands through her hair and shrugged.

I wanted to tell her that she never had to worry about money again. We’d only just begun dating, but my intuition screamed that we were meant to be together. It wasn’t something I could exactly say out loud, though. There simply hadn’t been enough time and I knew saying such a thing risked scaring her away.

“If brunch gets uncomfortable, we can just get up and leave, okay? I think I’ve proven that I won’t put up with my parents’ bullshit.”

I barely knew her parents, but it was abundantly clear they were well-versed in the art of blackmail. Despite having come so far with her newfound freedom, Isabella’s old habit of submitting to her parents refused to go away and no amount of nagging on my part would snap her back to reality.

So, I said what any decent boyfriend would in that situation, “Alright, let’s have brunch with your parents.”