Page 32 of Bedroom King

I eyed her with weariness. “I’m just tutoring Blade in all of his classes. That’s where I’m headed right now.”

She nodded and shrugged, pretending to believe my lie as I stormed out of there.

Every girl on campus wanted to be me when even I didn’t want to be me. I was Isabella Dayton, Vice President of Rho Alpha Xi and a marketing major who consistently made the dean’s list. Tutoring Blade was strictly for monetary purposes. Any free time I had was spent volunteering, not hooking up with a man known for his debauchery.

At least, that’s the image I wanted to maintain on campus.

God, I fucking hated Jason but even more than that, I hated the idea that he would be right. If the truth about Blade and I got out, it would have given him the ammunition he needed to destroy my reputation. In the battlefields of gossip, nobody would have cared about the actual timeline of events. I would have been outed as the whore that cheated on the golden boy, even though it wasn’t true, at all.

My blood was boiling when I made it to the library, where I found Blade waiting for me on the third floor. Blade was the epitome of a red-blooded college jock, with his slicked-back hair, grey sweatpants, and a white t-shirt that clung to his abs. He stood up and stretched, unintentionally displaying the outline of his manhood as he arched his back. I say unintentionally, but the allure of grey sweatpants is something every man is aware of when he chooses to slide into a pair of them.

I hated how much I wanted him at that moment. Right there, bent over the table in the middle of the library. Usually, we snuck off to a hidden corner of the world to fuck, but I seriously contemplated the idea of putting on a show for the world to see. At least then, my dirty little secret couldn’t be used as leverage against me anymore.

Blade waved at me as I walked over. For my part, I refused to let my hormones do the talking. “Hey, you brought a snack.”

I nodded before tossing the granola in front of him.

“Yeah, figured we could use the fuel.”

For the next two hours, I helped Blade understand the simplest basics of calculus. There was not a chance in hell that I was going to be able to turn him into a math whiz in the course of a semester or two, but he only needed a ‘B’ to get him where he wanted to go. It wasn’t something that he’d ever need as a professional football player, which he repeatedly mentioned. But by the time we were finished, he’d vastly improved his skills, and I was confident he’d pass his midterm. He even remarked that he had learned more in three hours than he had in multiple weeks of lectures. When we were finished, when the textbooks were closed, we sat in a brief, awkward silence while the both of us twiddled at our thumbs.

Blade let out a long, exasperated sigh before breaking the tension. “Can I ask you a question?”


He leaned across the table, fully aware that people were probably eavesdropping. “Maybe it’s none of my business, but who were you with last night?”

“I was at the student union. Why?”

Blade stiffened in his chair, seemingly uncomfortable. “Yeah, I passed by the building and saw you through the window with a guy. Are you two going out?”

I didn’t mean to laugh so loud, but his suggestion and subtle jealousy were hilarious. Mr. Bedroom King could have anybody he wanted and yet he chose to be jealous over seeing me with a guy. That was hilarious.

I leaned forward with a slight smirk. “Blade, the guy you saw me with is gay. He’s replacing me at the student union because I quit, and I was training him.”

“Oh, okay.” Now it was Blade’s turn to blush. “Wow, do I feel stupid. I thought…never mind.”

“Yeah, that’s what everybody keeps telling me today. ‘Never mind.’”

Blade tilted his head as his body visibly relaxed. “Huh?”

“It’s a long story, but you thought he and I were fooling around?”

He didn’t answer me, though. Instead, he ran his hands through his hair, ignoring the stares of girls who passed us by.

I winked at him before standing up, knowing he’d follow wherever I was going. Sure enough, a few minutes later, both of us had snuck into the women’s bathroom and had our hands all over each other. We were confident nobody had seen us, but as Blade pressed his manhood up against my thigh, I couldn’t have cared less.