Page 33 of Bedroom King


Exley was playingagainst MU Tech, that evening. They were a massive rival of ours and one that we had yet to beat that season. Every time we got ahead, they caught right up to us as if seeing our numbers rise was the energy boost they needed to kick our ass. It didn’t help that I was struggling to perform at my best. And as the starting quarterback, I desperately needed to get my shit together.

The frigid air burned my lungs with every breath, yet the inside of my football helmet was drenched with sweat. We were fucking up left and right and we could barely connect on a single throw, causing our coach to erupt into a profanity-laced speech that echoed into the stands.

We finally found our footing and managed to stay ahead in the fourth quarter. All we needed was one touchdown in the next thirty-two seconds to win the game. One touchdown and that was it. We may have been physically and emotionally drained but vowed to pull through. We’d promised our coach not to let him down and to beat MU Tech come hell or high water.

After wiping the sweat from my face, I secured my helmet back on and dashed back onto the playing field. My fingers clung onto the football the second it landed in my hands. Without overthinking it, I went straight for the end zone. There was no time for second thought. Instead, I did what I did best. I hauled ass, weaving in and out of players, with my eyes focused on those final yards.

At some point, I swear I heard Isabella calling my name, although I didn’t know whether it was real or just my imagination.

Let’s go Blade!

Keep it up!

You got this, baby!

Okay, so that last part was definitely a figment of my imagination. Even if she were mine, even if she wasn’t ashamed to be known as mine, there’s no way in hell she’d call me baby in front of a crowd of a thousand people.

Still, I pictured her at the end of the field, standing behind the goal post as I ran towards her. Right into her outstretched arms as the other team threatened to tackle me. My first instinct was to protect her, and to make sure nobody hurt her. My second instinct was to carry her across the playing field and across the goal line, where we’d celebrate with hot, passionate sex.

Being with Isabella was all I could think about lately.

I snapped myself out of it realizing I was a mere dozen feet from the goal line.

A stampede of players barreled towards me from behind, but I didn’t slow my pace. I couldn’t. I felt someone gaining on me and I knew it was now or never. I pushed my body to the brink and sprinted through the ache in my legs and arms. Time seemed to stand still as one of their defensive players tumbled into me and we hit the grass. I rolled over a few times before my body stilled. Seconds later, I could hear the announcer calling out ‘Touchdown’ and I looked down to see the ball still trapped between my hands.

Cheers erupted from the stands and my coach and teammates came running at me, calling my name. And even though my body felt like I’d just been bashed with a wooden plank a few dozen times, I’d never felt better.

It was fucking awesome.

* * *

Hours later,the beer was flowing down at my favorite sports bar. Everybody on the team went to celebrate, including our coach which might not have been quite aboveboard, but he didn’t seem to care. I high-fived my teammates as I walked into the place, proud of myself for scoring and sealing the deal for us, yet again.

I was cocky, but my cockiness was backed up by a long history of winning and winning is what separated me from all the other dumb jocks that were nothing more than a poor imitation of me. Winning is the magnet that continued to draw women into my orbit. It was like an expensive cologne that I couldn’t wash away from my body.

I plopped down at the bar next to Aiden, who brought me in for a half-hug. Affection from Aiden was a surefire way to tell that he was inebriated. It was the only time he’d let down the macho walls he held up at all times.

“Dude, you killed it out there tonight. There’s no way you ain’t getting recruited.”

A gorgeous brunette leaned across the counter, resting her massive cleavage on the bar as she purred into my face. “Well, hello there, Blade. What’ll it be tonight?”

“Beer on tap, please.”

She was always my favorite bartender and even then, I had never fucked her. It wasn’t because I didn’t have the desire to. She was close to perfect. Rather, it was because I enjoyed our relationship as it stood. Exchanging body fluids had the potential to ruin that, and then I would have needed to find another go-to bar.

That didn’t stop me from always looking though because I could look, just couldn’t touch. That night, though, I didn’t want to look.

Aiden seemed to notice this, cocking his head when I refused to ogle her breasts. “Don’t tell me you’re still holding out for Isabella, bro.”

There he was, the Aiden that I knew and could always count on.

“It’ll happen.” I shrugged. “Just give it time.”

The bartender slid a pint my way, winking at me as some of the foam trickled down the side. “Enjoy your beer. And congrats on tonight.”

I nodded and took a sip of the cold brew as Aiden shook his head.