Page 52 of 7 Nights of Sin

"How was it different?" I wanted to know.

"That was my fault. That was on me."

"As opposed to the other times?"

"Yes," he insisted. "The other times were photographers and bored idiots with too much time on their hands speculating about what a top tier athlete might be doing at a club or a hotel or a beach or whatever. This time was...I set it up."

I frowned, trying to make his words make sense in my head. "You what?"

"I called them. I set it up. None of those girls were...they were just fans. It was just staged."

"What?" I said again. "You engineered your own scandal, in the middle of me trying to fix the one you were already involved in? What the fuck, Kevin?"

"You don't understand."

"Then make me understand! Because from what I'm hearing you just thought I didn't have enough work to do and wanted me to bust my ass harder. You could have undone everything I'd spent days working on just because what? You were bored? You wanted a reason to have an extended vacation? There wasn't enough trouble to get into in New York?"

He shook his head, eyes pained. "No. Caro, it's not like that."

"That's sure as hell what it sounds like!" I exploded.

My heart was pounding, and I couldn't believe for a second I had been considering...I'd been thinking that something might work between us.

Kevin was still Kevin. He was going to do whatever he wanted to do, and fuck whoever got caught in the crossfire.

My head was spinning, and all I knew was that I needed to get out of there. I needed to get away. I needed to go back home and back to my life and pretend none of this had ever happened.