“This is Hunter Drake.”
“They’ve got her.”
“Fuck, Hunter. They’ve got Haley.”
“Shit. Are you tracking her?”
“Cell phone was in her purse. They left both behind. So no direct trace, but I’m pulling every string I have. I’ve got to go, Hunter. If you know any praying types, I’ll take all the help I can get.”
“Cam, you’ve got to pull in the big guns on this. Call the FBI.”
“I don’t have time for that.”
“Then I’ll call them. Hell, I’ll call the fucking President. I’ve got some strings of my own.”
“Appreciate it, brother.”
“Godspeed, Cam.”
* * *
The menwho have me are not nice people. That much I’m sure of.
Everything else I thought I knew is a mass of confusion.
I don’t know where I am, or why. I was blindfolded and tied up and dumped in the back of a vehicle, and now I’m lying on the floor of a building somewhere.
Cameron did me one favor. While my captors have made a rough job of it, being bound and blindfolded isn’t nearly as terrifying as it would be if I weren’t used to it.
A few hours ago, I would have been sure Cam was moving heaven and earth to rescue me. Now I know there’s no one I can count on to save me from this, whatever “this” is.
Two more things I can be certain of.
I’m scared. And alone.
* * *
“This is Cameron Thorne.”
“Mr. Thorne, this is Neville Carson of the FBI Organized Crime Task Force. I understand you’ve gotten tangled up with some nasty customers.”
“They have my — a young woman. She’s completely innocent in all this.”
“Mr. Thorne, I sympathize with your position. However, I am obliged to inform you that if you move on these individuals, you’ll be jeopardizing years of work. There are several long-term operations aimed at bringing this bunch down.”
“Mr. Carson, if you expect me to leave a woman who matters — that I care — fuck it. She’s the woman I love, Carson, and if you expect me to leave her at their mercy, then with all due respect, sir, you can go fuck yourself.”
* * *
A hand closesover my arm and yanks me to my feet. I wince at how tightly he’s holding me. I’m dragged across a room and what feels like a cell phone is shoved into my hand.
I lift it to my face as if it might explode. “Hello?”